Dreamlines have been negotiated. You will have sheet with what was approved stapled to your original request in your mailbox. Management pushed back a bit on what we were able to approve due to the overwhelming number of requests.

Pay period 2 has been published in Web Scheduler and came with some issues due to the migration to My Access. Shift changes requests can not be entered however leave requests can be. We will be printing a request sheet for each day of the pay period that will be kept at the sup desk. Please place leave requests in Web Scheduler. Place all requests on the printed sheets. We will use the printed sheets to track the order of the requests and process them accordingly.

We are still waiting on management to meet and review the books prior to round 6 bidding. We have 32 days that can be bid. If you did not bid all of your accrued leave, your can bid the remainder of your accrued leave OR accumulated leave you are carrying over into 2019. If you can take either accrued or accumulated, you will need to state which type of leave you will bid. Leave bid as accumulated leave can be converted to credit. Accrued can not be converted to credit. Please be mindful that you can not bid more leave than you will accrue and carry over. If you have bid all accrued leave and will not carry over any accumulated leave, you have no leave to bid in round 6. If you carry over 20 days, you can bid all 20 days provided there are still that many spots left to bid. Once the 32 days are bid we will be done bidding. An email will go out with a date and time when web scheduler will open for leave requests for the 2019 leave year.



