
Our delay with round 6 bidding was caused by a difference with management on the word ‘slot’. The union had calculated slots as days earned by BUEs in 8 hour increments. Management determined that slots were the total hours left not bid divided by 8. After nearly a week of back and forth discussions between the e-board and management we have decided to move forward with 28 remain slots. I am just waiting for management to give us the go ahead to move forward since we are all in agreement now.

If you did not bid all accrued days of leave in rounds 1-5, you will be asked if are taking round 6 leave from your accrued or accumulated balance. If you take your round 6 leave from your accumulated balance it can be converted into credit if you choose. Accrued leave can NOT be converted into credit. If you do not know how much accumulated leave you have it can be checked in CEDAR or a sup can look it up for you. Remember that you can not have more leave requested than you have accrued and accumulated.

Once we are done bidding the remaining 28 slots, a date and time will be determined to open up web scheduler for Non-prime time leave requests. (Non-prime time leave requests are requests for leave prior to the schedule being published. Spot leave requests are requests for leave after the schedule is published). Web Scheduler can not be opened for non-prime time leave requests until we have concluded round 6 bidding. We are currently published through Pay Period 2 of 2019. The 2019 leave year begins with Pay Period 3 on January 6. We will be trying to hurry the bid along in order to open up web scheduler prior to pay period 3 being published.

Pay Period 2 WMT issues

The issues we had in web scheduler for pay period 2 have been resolved. All shift change and leave requests can be entered into web scheduler and will not need to be tracked on paper.

Solicitation of Interest

2 cadres are needed to teach refresher training 2019. Refresher training will take place in late May. Meetings will be scheduled several weeks prior to ensure time to prepare the material. Please let me know if you are interested.

IST Training (round 14?) will take place March 3-16. If you are interested in being a Cadre please let me know. There is a mandatory class all cadres must take before teaching the IST class. The dates have yet to be released for the instructor class but usually take place 1-3 months ahead of the IST training. Please let me know if you are interested and I will get back to you with exact dates when they become available.


