With our new MOU comes some growing pains. Alex and Don Hill will meet to discuss the issues every area is facing with the reduction. The MOU states we must reduce to the exact number of slots we get to bid. The A area was listed as having 696 leave slots available for the year but our number is actually 712. The second issue is that by reducing to the exact number of leave slots, we will not have enough opportunity for everyone to bid a full week in round 2 and there may not be enough opportunities in rounds 3-6 if available leave slots only fall on your RDOs.

I do not anticipate proceeding with the bid until late this week or even next week. We will bid trainees at the start of CPC Round 2 bidding.

Dreamlines will be reviewed next week. Expect to hear back on those lines being approved or denied within the first week or two of November.



