
I hope everyone is having a good week.  I wanna take a quick second to address the incident that happened at SEA last Friday night.  I can't find any other words to describe it other than it sucks and it is really sad.  Another guy who needed some help and never got it.  I also want to say how proud I am of how professional all parties were during this tragedy.

Our own Chris Schenk is the NATCA CISM Rep for us.  CISM stands for Critical Incident Stress Management.  If you are needing someone to help process events like these, Schenk is a great resource.  You can also reach out to EAP.  If neither of those seem like good options to you, please find what works for you, I am here to help in whatever way I can.  Listed below is the contact info for CISM and the EAP.


  • CISM Hotline (202-505-2476)
  • Website (
  • EAP (1-800-234-1327)


I would like to think it goes without saying, but do not talk to the media.  If you are contacted by a member of the media, please pass that to me or one of your EBoard members and we will make sure it goes through the proper channels.  Please also refrain from posting any knowledge you have about the incident on social media.

Ok, now on to the update!


Signing In/Out

Just a quick reminder for the new folks or for those of you who forgot when we are required to sign in and out.  Here is an excerpt from the Cru-X/ART MOU:

Section 4. A bargaining unit employee, who reports for his or her scheduled shift on time, will not be required to sign in to the CRU-X/ART system at the start of their scheduled shift. However, an employee who elects to utilize flex time or approved leave at the start of their shift will make the appropriate sign in entries in the system. The bargaining unit employee shall not be required to sign out unless assigned duties as Controller in Charge. A bargaining unit employee who takes leave during or at the end of the shift must make the appropriate sign out entries in the system.

So if you do anything other than work your exact shift as it is in the webscheduler, you should be the one making that adjustment in the webscheduler.  I'll give a couple of examples:

  • You have a 0700 and you show up at 0630 -- You must sign in but not out.
  • You have a 0700 and you show up at 0700 -- You do not have to sign in or out.
  • You have a 0700, you show up at 0700, but you are taking AL from 1300-1500 -- You do not have to sign yourself in, but you must sign yourself out.

Hopefully this is all pretty simple.  Some facilities elect to designate their shifts as 0630s for this very reason.  Since most people do show up at 0630, this way, most people don't have to sign in. Some supervisors will do the sign outs for you but you are trusting them with a little too much there in my opinion.  You want to make sure you are charged the correct leave and I sure as hell don't trust our supervisors to make sure I was charged the right leave.

If you think that designating our shifts as 0630s vs 0700s and so on is a good idea, please let me know ASAP and I will see what we can do.


PDX Metering

Jesse posted some great questions about this in our slack channel and I am working on getting answers for us.  If you want to join the discussion on PDX metering, feel free to jump on over to the slack and do so.


Upcoming Events

  • Solidarity Event THIS WEDNESDAY from 6-9 at Acme Bowl in Tukwila!
  • Business Meeting August 27th @ 3pm at Rainbow Cafe in Auburn


That's all I've got for you this week.


In Solidarity,


