I hope everyone is having a good week. Really I do. There are a few things going on right now to update you on. First off, I am going to be joining Derek and Alex in the facility level MOU negotiations. These will take place August 13-15. No idea if we will be able to complete them all around that time, but those are the initial meetings. This has caused me to have a pretty screwy schedule with some split RDOs and stuff like that. So if you see something weird on my schedule, that is why. Thanks to everyone who worked with me over the last few days to get swaps and stuff done so I could make that happen. I will do my best to represent you all well in those meetings.
On to the update!
A4s at LMT
Beginning tomorrow and running through Friday, you will probably be seeing those same A4s we have been seeing coming in and out of the Juniper Complex. Garret and I (along with the airspace office) have emailed with them a little and requested that they be on J5 up to BAARB and then a point into the airspace. Just be prepared for some nonstandard situations to arise with these guys. I know we have been working them already, but I just wanted you to know what I know about these guys. Garret, feel free to jump in on the slack channel if I missed something with this.
WX Briefing Tracking
As I am sure you have been told by now, we are supposed to be initialing the sheet by the sign in computer once we complete our weather briefing for the day. Management will at some point be rolling out digital tracking for WX briefs. I would expect that to be something pretty simple and should be in place by the end of the month.
PDX Metering
Here is my post from slack yesterday in case you missed it:
Ok. So. There is apparently about to be another runway closure at PDX today (8/6). We were notified about this on 8/4. I find it hard to believe that the Port of Portland only planned this 2 days in advance so someone dropped the ball again on planning this out. No idea who.
That being said, metering to PDX will likely happen again for the next week or so. I have repeatedly mentioned that we can't meter to an arc we don't depict and we need an Art 114 workgroup to help mitigate this. Alex has told me he is going to pursue that moving forward.
However, we still have to deal with this for the short term future. Mgmt should be briefing you soon on how metering to PDX should go. It should be something like this:
Sector 6 takes 2min, Sector 42 takes 4 minutes, and sector 14/15 handle the rest. The arc runs very close to the boundary so we can use that as the arc.
Please let me know about anything that goes poorly in any way with PDX metering.
That's it for this week. Don't forget about our upcoming events!
- August 15th at Acme Bowl in Tukwlia @ 6pm
- August 27th at the Rainbow Cafe in Auburn @ 3pm