I hope everyone is having a good week. I am doing some more split RDOs for MOU negotiations this week so you may see me here at weird times. Hopefully we will have a better feel for what our BWS will be next year by the end of the week. More on that as I know it.
Big thanks to everyone who came out last Wednesday for the Solidarity Event at Acme Bowl. D area was represented well. Don't forget that one week from today, 8/27, is our business meeting at the Rainbow Cafe in Auburn @ 3pm. Be there!! D area fantasy football draft will immediately follow that meeting so feel free to hang out and watch me pick Tony Romo and Dez Bryant in the first and second rounds.
Not much I can update you all on right now, just a quick couple of things.
SEA Meter Arc
Previously we discussed changing the SEA meter arc to where it is one continuous arc as opposed to the broken one between 14/15 that we have now. This is still in the works but was delayed slightly for unknown reasons. Hopefully we will have that in the next month or so.
PDX Metering
I'm sure you all have seen the same wacky stuff I have coming out of the B area regarding PDX metering. Evan and I are in constant discussions to try to come up with a good answer for how to get through to Sept. 7th. As we come up with something, I will be posting that on the slack so make sure you are monitoring that for all things PDX metering related. As always, text/call whenever something happens that you don't think should be happening regarding PDX metering, especially if you deem it unsafe.
That's all for now.