

Hey there C Area,

There have been 23 responses so far, and while that is fantastic, I don’t want anyone to feel that they did not get a chance to voice their opinion.

If you haven’t already (and please only complete this once, I can’t tell who has and who hasn’t), please fill this out. It takes but 2-3 minutes max.

I will look at the results tomorrow (Monday) and send them out to you all.

Thank you for your time and input! Your opinion matters!

Always for the C,





Schedule Questions

Hey C Area,

Please fill this out for me ASAP so we can put something together. I am putting a list together of pros and cons for schedule options but first, lets start here

Thank you






Schedule Stuff

Hi C Area,

There has been a lot of discussion about the schedule, and if you feel like I have been avoiding it with you, please know that is absolutely not the case.

This new MOU with a whole new set of rules and hour restrictions has everyone I’ve talked to perplexed as to how to work around it. If you have not read the MOU, here are the bullet points…

  • 10 hours between shifts

  • 12 hours before and after a mid

  • 6 hour shift before a mid (that can start prior to 5:30)

  • If you’re assigned 2 consecutive weeks of overtime, you can opt out of working the 3rd week.

My goal by the end of this week is to get some options printed out and left in the area for you to read over and consider.

Please note -

  • Nothing is decided upon at this time.

  • I want your feedback (constructive please).

  • These are options and there may be more in the future (?)

  • The shifts have not been agreed upon (like a 14 may not be a 14, but it will be a swing, it is there for a reference more than anything).

  • Guides have not been agreed to.

The top option to reduce the impact as a whole to the area has been a 4-10 line with split RDOs. 2 swings,RDO, 2 mids. The idea behind this is the 4-10 lines cover for the mids when they’re on leave, and the 8 hour shifts will cover for the swing shifts.

There is the option of a (hours of shift length, not start times) 9-9-8-6-8 or 10-8-8-6-8. We cannot put someone who is not working a mid on a 6 hour shift. While this one keeps us closer to the current rattler shift rotation, it does cause a lot of scheduling work considering hours between shifts and noting the amount of leave that was bid off if shift lengths change.

NATCA schedulers (in all areas) do not get official time to work on the schedule. During the rest of the year, it is easier to get them a day or however long they need (scheduling training, high leave periods, etc) to get the schedule completed and presented to management to collaborate on the schedule before management plugs in the overtime and publishes it. I have brought up to management that we will need to ensure our schedulers get off the boards next summer to get our schedule built and correct with all the new rules as Web Scheduler does not alert for hour restrictions between shifts and verifying leave each pay period. Without this, it will be left to management to get everything correct.

This has been a lot to try to come up with something that will work while still waiting on MOU guidance for the overtime and fatigue mitigation, but know that nothing is off the table and I will continue to work with Carly to see what options will work best for our area as a whole.

Please look for something in the area soon to go over what options look like (again, don’t take all the shift start times to heart at this point) and please give your feedback. This is your schedule and your opinion matters!!!

For the C,






Hey there C Area!

First First - A big ol’ CONGRATS and high 5’s all around to Logan for certifying on Lows D sides! Well done and thank you’s to everyone who worked hard to help him achieve this goal. Great job all!

This Thursday the 15th is NATCA shirt day! Wear your NATCA gear and get a ticket towards a $25 gift card!

Saturday NUW is going ATC-0 for some maintenance, in hopes that this will fix whatever their issue is that has caused them to go ATC-0 in the past. You can expect a briefing as it gets closer to Friday about how this will impact our area and traffic. I was asked about them using one of our frequencies (and after some investigation and inquiries…. To work NUW airspace, they have to use 3 or 12’s frequency, which adds to the congestion of the frequency. I looked over a map and talked to many A Area controllers and sups.. it’s a lot) but after looking at everything I told them the risk that would be added to our area was not worth it. Not to mention the frequency coverage in question, and and and.

Article 5 - 2 D sides start in the Dysim on Monday. We are in need of someone to help with this. Any amount of days would be appreciated. Any. Monday - Thursday through October. Anyone. Please. Thank you.

I appreciate you all, keep on keepin on!!!






So, I may owe N67WA an apology, but I’ll take care of that later…. First to update you!

There have been fire fighting aircraft filing to the REPII fix which is no where near the TFR they are wanting to work. I spoke with airspace today and it turns out there are 2 fixes called REPII and one was not removed when we went from HOST to ERAM. They are filing AIMS ticket to resolve this.

Also - there is a schedule that is floating around the area. This is a draft and is one option that we are looking at, but please review it and let me and/or Carly know if you have any questions or suggestions. We are continuing to look at options and come up with ideas, there will NOT be anything implemented until we have feedback from the floor. I will for sure let you know before a schedule is put forth to management.

Thanks - keep up the goodness






Hi again,

I spoke with Jackie this week. He had a meeting with the temp ATM at LWS (they have a trainee, so hopefully this Tuesday closure thing will end soon…..) and the chief pilot at SKW and the aircraft ops director at SKW. There is a NOTAM for LWS to disregard the 5000’ crossing restriction at POTOR, but SKW will continue to work internally to ensure that this isn’t loaded into their FMS.

In the meantime, if you encounter a SKW departure leveling at 5000 over POTOR, please fill out the sheet in-between sectors 18 and 8 so we can let SKW know when this is happening.

If you were interested if we could have a shout line to YKM tower, tech ops did everything they could try to see if we had the capability to do that. I worked with them and tested it, but it did not work. At this point, it would be necessary to get funding and planning out of house to get a shout line installed at YKM. They aren’t going to push it unless we have really good reason to do so, so if you were who was requesting it and wanted to make a case for it, please let me know.

I haven’t seen QXE going SUNED PAPPS ZOOMR, so maybe we got this thing fixed…? If you’re still seeing it, please let me know.

Schedule - I hope by now you’ve had a chance to look over the new fatigue MOU. The schedulers and reps in the building have been discussing this at length to see what options we can come up with to satisfy all the new requirements. If you have any suggestions, please let me or Carly know. There are still 2 work groups that need to give us guidance on Overtime Tracking and other fatigue clarification, so until those are done, we can’t start talking about next year. I will keep you posted as I get more info.

GEG - Spokane approach has asked if there is a way that the routes we assign aircraft landing Spokane can get forwarded to them so they know where the aircraft is going. This shouldn’t impact how we do things, it’s mostly a formatting issue that will be done behind the scenes. At the very worst, instead of typing “ATOXE KGEG”, it will be a drop down menu option that will then send the routing to the TRACON. We still need to talk to GEG to see what fixes they want this built for, and I will keep you posted. The reason for this - aircraft are requesting an approach or fix with us, and the TRACON isn’t aware of this, so they tell the aircraft to plan for a visual or whatever advertised approach they have at the moment. Then the aircraft comes back telling them where they’re going, so it causes a lot of back and forth between the controller and pilot. If the controller knows where the aircraft is going, it can alleviate a lot of unnecessary transmissions.

Article 5 - Still looking for someone to please help out with the D side trainees starting 8/19. I am acting as the place holder for now, but we do need someone to please step up for this. Sun-Thurs or Mon-Fri schedules are available. If you have any questions, please ask me or your sup.

You guys have been working hard with the traffic, metering, and recently, addition of SO many TFRs. Thank you for all you do and know that your hard work is appreciated.

There is no new wave, only the C





Mid Stuff

Hi C Area,

A while ago, I sent out multiple emails about using time wisely at the beginning of the mid shift. Management came out with the guidance after that requiring the C Area to be split until at least 11:30 and checking in with the OM desk before then if traffic might warrant a combination.

Lately, I am hearing that the C Area is combing up very early, that people are signing in and disappearing right away, and that some are even staying past their go home time because no one else would stay and help with the traffic volume.

Management is taking a lot of notes on this.

My suggestion to you is this: Please use the time at the beginning of the shift wisely. Work until combining it is at a safe level. Don’t ask to combine it at 10:30 when traffic numbers are high. We are going to have a hard and fast mandate come down that will result in a more permanent change than what we currently have if things don’t improve.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know. Traffic levels have picked up more than we realized and I will be addressing this when schedule negotiations begin. In the meantime, please support one another, take the help, and lets ensure that we are continuing to be safe in our operation.

Thank you for all you do,





Updates for the C

Hi C Area peeps,

7/11 is when the chart change goes into effect, and when our new metering trial period begins. I will reiterate, giving someone PD FL240 when we are metering does not preclude you from your requirements to separate them from the metered aircraft around them. If you have not gotten briefed on this, please let me know.

Article 5 - the schedule has been published for our next set of D Side trainees in the lab. As of currently, I was placed on the detail to hold a spot off the floor, but we are in need of someone to please step up and help out for this detail. 2 D Sides (Robert & Scotty) and you can have either a Sun-Thurs or Mon-Fri shift (day shifts Mon-Thurs for the Dysim scenarios). This goes from 8/18-10/12. Please let me or your sup know ASAP.

I will be on vacation from Saturday 7/13-Sunday 7/21. If you are in need of anything while I am gone, please contact Travis at 253-569-7932.

QXE - I have given Airspace more examples of QXE flying SUNED PAPPS and they are forwarding this up again. Please let me know if you are continuing to see this.

Followed up again with Airspace about the SKW departures off LWS leveling at 5000 at POTOR. I asked the last SKW if they were assigned it, they said no, but their FMS is seeming to take the “may be restricted to cross POTOR at 5000” as a crossing restriction. I’ll let you know what I hear back.

VOTE! If you haven’t, I highly encourage you to get your ballot filled out and mailed in. It takes moments to compete. If you still haven’t received your ballot, please email You need to make this request by 7/16 and ballots need to be received by 7/30. If you have any questions on this, please let me know!

Have a great rest of your week, thank you for all you do!

I’ll have a side of the C with my morning coffee,





Happy 4th!

248 years ago, the very eloquently scribed Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress before the signing process began with John Hancock in August. I had the fortune of getting to see this original document at the National Archives this past week, and it was a humbling reminder to be grateful of the things that we have been blessed with by those who came before us. To those who are working today, thank you for being here and for your continued commitment to the safety of the flying public. To those who have the day off, I do hope today is spent with those whom you hold dear. To all of you, let today be a remembrance of everything our ancestors fought for to gain the independence and freedoms that we hold so very dear today. Seeing our nations capitol this close to the 4th really brings new meaning and weight of this holiday for me.

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”


To move on to a couple of things…

A - it is summer and the overtime season is upon us. If you receive a call from work and you are incapable or not wanting to come in…. YES LISTERS - If you answer your phone and say you don’t want or can’t take the overtime, you will be charged with an opportunity for overtime (8 hours). NO LISTERS - If you answer your phone and say you don’t want or can’t take the overtime, you will not be charged with the 8 hours and stay at the top of the call out list. SUGGESTION - don’t answer if you’re not sure. Don’t answer the phone call, let the person calling leave a voicemail and call back if you so desire. There should be time for you to review the voicemail and call back before they call the next person (sometimes there isn’t enough time for this, or whomever calls back first will be assigned the overtime if many have been called). If you have any questions or need any clarification on this, PLEASE ASK ME.

2 - Vancouver Center is having some staffing issues for the next 4 days, so we will be taking some of their arrival traffic into the Vancouver area. There is routing that has been agreed to for this, and while it will increase our traffic count (estimated 50-60 aircraft/day), we will only be receiving their arrival traffic to that area. TMU is putting a MIT restriction on these aircraft, and there will be no EGRET times. There will be (what sounds like) a pretty aggressive GDP in effect for those airports, and I have told management, we do need to be at full guides, at the very least. **If you are finding that you need more MIT or support, please tell your sup. TMU will reach out to ZLC for more spacing if we need it. This begins Friday at 2pm and will go until 2200L Friday night, then 0600-2000L Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

D - I didn’t really have anything, but had to include this or it wouldn’t make sense.

Have a wonderful and safe 4th, and thanks to you all for all you do.





Quick Updates

Hi C Area,

Some updates for you….

First - a big ol’ congrats to Miguel for certifying on D07/11! Well done to everyone who aided him in his conquering of the D Sides for all the highs!

LWS - The ATM at LWS has left for another job, so the tower will continue to be closed for periods of time until they can get more staffing. Thank you for your flexibility with all this. Additionally, we are still seeing SKW level at 5000 at POTOR. Since we don’t seem to have a point of contact at LWS any longer, I have talked to airspace and they are reaching out to SKW to see if there is anything we can do to alleviate this. Airspace is also trying to see what we can do to get the note about issuing 5000 at POTOR changed or removed. I will keep you posted.

QXE - QXE flying SUNED PAPPS ZOOMR is being followed up with by airspace, hopefully we won’t see many more of those.

Solicitations - We have a few things we will need help with coming up…..

  • Article 5 - 2 D Sides 8/18-10/12

  • IST Cadre - 9/10-11 or 9/12-13 IST is from 11/03-11/16

Heads up - QA/QC is reviewing relief briefings. I tell you this to say, please address and follow the list to the best of your ability. The last thing we want to see is a CAP for this and them really zooming in on us. Additionally, management is taking note of when and where (like, maybe wait until you’ve passed the OM desk to get your phone out if you absolutely can’t wait until you’re out of the area) people are using their phones in the operations area. Please be smart about this.

Thank you for all you do! I leave tomorrow (Thursday) evening until Tuesday evening, so Devin will be waiting to solve all your problems until I get back.

Life takes you down many paths, but the best ones lead to the C





Happy Summer!

My sense of direction leads me one way: To the C

Happy summer to you all! I started typing this on the first day of summer. Super happy for sunshine and summer activities!

As always, lets start with a few big bits of news…

Chase Griffin has handed his news anchor mic to the next generation, as his wife delivered a healthy baby girl 6/12! Congrats Griffin family on the arrival of baby Quinn!

A big ol’ congrats and high 5’s to our newest 18/8/9 D Sides - Christopher Costanzo and Alex Fontaine! Well done to everyone who helped on their journey to success!

There are still a few items in back of the operational area that are looking sad and lonely. If you know where they belong or want to take them home with you, please feel free to do so sooner than later.

YVR Arrivals - If you have an aircraft filed on the CANUC Arrival, please do not take them off and put them on the GRIZZ. It is creating some issues with sequencing and meter times for YVR arrivals coming from the south, specifically restrictions YVR has on their sector saturation policies. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.

We got the ZLC LOA back and there are some things that were supposed to be changed that weren’t. I am following up with this to put them into the next change after this one is briefed.

I am also following up with the A Area about some changes we wanted to try for metering and sequencing that have not been briefed to the floor yet.

I have sent emails inquiring about LWS departures still stopping their climb over POTOR at 5000 and QXE aircraft who are flying PAPPS SUNED ZOOMR but it’s not on their flight plan. I will let you know what I hear.

VOTE - please make sure you have sent in your ballot! The agency is paying attention to the turnout of this election, and we want to make sure we are presenting a united and strong front. Every member has the right and the option to vote in this election!

If you have not received your ballot - email ASAP

If your ballot goes missing - You can get it replaced as long as the request for a duplicate is received by 7/16

All ballots are due by 7/30, but please get them mailed in ASAP so they can be counted.

If you have any questions about the election or who is running, please reach out to one of your E-board members and any one of us would be happy to go over the candidate info with you.

I will be gone 6/28-7/2, but Devin Callisto will be around and available should you need anything (619-818-5335).

There are a couple new NATCA shirts for purchase if you’d like to check them out!

Summer traffic is not messin around, and I thank you all for your continued hard work and dedication. Keep on keepin on and know that you are appreciated!

Have a great week,






Hi there C Area!

Although I wish I had more to update you with, this is a friendly reminder and voice of encouragement to make your voices heard. It took me less than a minute to cast my vote, put it back in the envelope and seal it.

There is no need to affix postage, either.

If you have any questions about those running for office, please let me know. I’m happy to help so you can ensure your voice counts.

If you haven’t noticed, traffic has rapidly increased the past few days. Our guides don’t go up for another week or so, but know that I will be filing this away when it comes time to fight for our guide numbers for next year. Our guides increase a lot faster this year than last, but I will continue to work hard to ensure we have the staffing we need to do our jobs and keep the flying public safe. Thank you for working together and keeping a good attitude with everything! I appreciate you all!

Happy voting!

You’re not a wave, you’re a part of the C





This is not a drill

Hey C Area,

The stuff behind the operations are WILL BE CLEANED OUT and you can purchase them again at the local GoodWill after 6/3.

PLEASE locate any items that you find near and dear to you that are back there, and take them out of the area.

They don’t have to go home, but they can’t stay here.

They are going to put more sign in computers back there to facilitate looking at TEAM before you start your shift.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.






The #%!@^&# Clock

Hey C Area,

A few firsts for ya -

A big ol’ CONGRATS to Miguel for certifying on D47/48!! Well done to everyone who helped him out with this!

A big ol’ CONGRATS to Jun for certifying on D18/8/9!! All done with the D sides and he will be available to help us get through the summer. Well done all!

A big ol’ CONGRATS to Andreas for losing that -IT at the end of his CPC status! Well done and a big thanks to everyone who assisted in his success!

I want to extend a thank you to our OJTIs. I know you guys have been working hard, and it isn’t going unnoticed. I will continue to monitor how our trainees are doing in the area, and I especially want to thank you who are training our newest members of management. Mark is now certified and will take his place on Thurs/Fri off, and I know training new sups presents it’s own challenges. You are appreciated!

Fatigue - I know it’s still a hot topic, but there is no new guidance on this. Know that as soon as we hear anything, it will be shared right away.

Article 5 - We are in need of an Article 5 for 2 D sides from 8/18-10/12. If you are interested, please let a sup or me know.

We are still waiting on some new changes to come through, including the trial period for a new metering procedure, the SLC LOA to come back to us, and some potential changes to the Route Chan. As soon as I have more solid info, I will share it with you.

I reached out to you to verify your address, as the ballots for this years elections will be going out soon and we wanted to make sure we had the correct address to send them to. (Thank you for your timely responses!! :)) I highly encourage you to do your research on the candidates that are running for your NATCA leadership positions, and make your voice heard by voting. If you have any questions about who is running (I would be happy to give you names of the candidates so you can look into each one and form your own opinion), please reach out to me or one of your E-board members.

The Clock has gone Tango Uniform. I checked today and a new one has been ordered, they are hoping it arrives by tomorrow or Monday (Amazon!). A new battery was tried, but the clock itself has ticked its last tock and is now OTS UFN.

If you need me, I’ll be staring at my watch to verify the real local time. But - I will pause to make myself available for you if you have any questions, comments, concerns (but no complaints, hard pass).

Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds.

Have a. great rest of your week!





A few things for you

Hi C Area -

First - a memo came out about the fatigue mitigation, basically saying (are you sitting down?) that the FAA needs to work with NATCA about making this new scheduling thing work, so it most likely won’t be implemented until our new schedule comes out in 2025. When we get more guidance on this I will share it with you, and until then I have a copy of the memo if you’d like to see it. I’m in Gervais (trying to stay dry) for the weekend, so if I don’t respond right away, I’ll have it to you early next week.

The NATCA Events Committee is looking for volunteers to help with a BBQ on June 18th, one person to help with the grilling from 11-1 and one from 4-6. Please let Jenn Hilton know if you’re interested in helping out with this!

Eric has been working on our new facility SOP/sector binders. Basically, they are combining it into one very large document, and he would love any input on them all. I can send you an email with the pages (very large), or if you can take a look at them, they’re on the I-Drive under Directives - Policies - Draft SOP. Please let me or Eric Winn know If you have any suggestions/comments on this ASAP as the meeting to discuss changes will be Tuesday.

Thank you! Have a great weekend!






Hey C Area,

I’m all done teaching IST and am awaiting my flight to HLN for a TRB for the next couple of days. Devin should be around (right?) and I will be available via phone if you are in need of anything, but if you don’t see me around, this is why.

Have a great week, no updates with any LOAs or fatigue rules. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything. A big Congrats to Shanna for recertifying in the area! Glad to have you back!

See you Thurs





Performance Stuff

Hi guys,

If a sup has a meeting with you for your mid term performance stuff and they bring up your leave use and balance, please let me know. This is NOT the time for it, and while they might have been instructed to verify leave balances and requests, your performance talks are not to include your leave use.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

That’s all I got, keep on keepin on






Hi C folks,

Eric & I were on a call today with NUW controllers about the HOODOO/DIABLO flight plan issues.

NUW was under the impression this was an “occasional” occurrence, maybe a “one off” and requested some flexibility for when these infrequent occurrences happened.

We assured them it has been happening more often than they seem to realize, and that we had a lot of examples (thank you!) to show them for when this was occurring. We also explained that the airspace has been a backup if the weather didn’t cooperate for a VR route, and it wasn’t in the flight plan.

Their request was for us to be flexible with this, ours was for them to tell us what they wanted to do with these situations that were increasing in numbers. I explained that we are stuck between the LOA that says NUW will put the airspace name in the flight plan, and the .65 that says we are not responsible for monitoring the airspace use.

They were not open to the suggestion to just let any aircraft in who requests entry into the airspace with nothing in the remarks. Basically, it’s on them to get their procedures together and figure out what they want to do. Emma has decided she will give them until Wednesday and will follow up with them if she hasn’t heard from them by then.

Until then - here is our guidance….

Follow your heart.

If they don’t have the remarks in their flight plan and are requesting entry - send them home. Clear them in. Either is fine. I asked NUW for a phone number direct to whomever schedules this stuff so (traffic & workload permitting) the CIC/sup can call and verify the flight can enter the airspace until we have a more permanent solution.

Also - please please continue to keep track of the flights that this is occurring with. Without this data, it can totally be interpreted as an “occasional” occurrence. Print out the strip, write the date on it and leave it in my headset box, or if you want to put it on Jackie’s desk, that’s fine, or give it to EY, or if a sup wants to scan it and email it to Airspace, that’s fine. Just please put the date on it!

In other news…. The Article 5 for Thursdays - we need to know within the next week or so, so please let me or a sup know ASAP.

There was something else and now I’ve forgotten. Thank you for your patience and continued great work on the floor, I appreciate you all!!

Have a great rest of your week





April Showers Bring....

May flowers!

Hope this finds you well as we are on the downward slope of April heading into spring.

IST starts next week, so please double check your schedules for shift balancing and class times.

Article 5 - we are in need of an Article 5 for just Thursdays starting 6/23-8/17. If you have any questions about this, please let me know. We are still in need of a volunteer for the Article 5 for 8/18-10/12 for 2 D side trainees. Please let me or a sup know if you are interested. This one is Sun-Th or M-F (no DYSIM on Fridays).

I am waiting to hear when the meeting is with NUW about flight plan info, but there is forward movement with this.

If you read the national NATCA email, there was a solicitation for volunteers for a 3 day study for the ATSA (Air Traffic Skills Assessment), basically looking at the new hire testing process. ZSE needs 10 CPCs to participate in this, so please let me or another member of the E-board if you’re interested and I’ll forward you the email. The dates for this are May 28-30.

Bring your child to work day details are still being ironed out, but as soon as I know more, I’ll send it out to you.

As always, I am here for you to answer any questions or concerns, so please reach out if you are in need of anything, any time.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this thought….

“The C, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has literal meaning; we are all in the same boat” - Jacques-Yves Cousteau





Some updates for ya

Hello C Area,

There have been a few little things bouncing around these past couple of weeks, here’s a quick update….

Bring your child to work day is 4/25. I’m not sure that the facility is doing anything specific, but if you’d like to bring your child in that day, make sure to let your supervisor know.

Parking - I know this has been difficult this week. Amy is working with Dawn to come up with a resolution that will last the length of this construction.

Reminder - I will be on vacation 4/8-4/12. Devin Carlisto will be available if you are in need of anything, and his number is 619-818-5335.

LWS - because the fun doesn’t end, lately SKW has been crossing POTOR at 050. Carly reached out to a SKW buddy and turns out, the FMS is pre-loading the crossing restriction in with the departure procedure. I have reached out to airspace and LWS’s ATM or airspace contact, Spencer, about what resolutions we can create in the meantime to avoid this. I will let you know what I hear back from them.

Article 5 - We are still in need of an Article 5 for June-August on Thurs/Fri for R sides. Please come to me if you have any specific questions about this, it would seem management has been creating more work for me clarifying information than I care to admit. There is a class that starts at the end of summer for 2 D sides that we also are in need of someone for, this will be a traditional Sun-Thurs or Mon-Fri schedule with no labs on Friday. Again, please reach out with questions.

NUW - Lately, there has been a lack of information or an abundance of old information that doesn’t align with our current LOA with NUW when it comes to having access to the airspace. I met with NUW about a year ago, and the last guidance I was given was if it isn’t spelled out in the remarks of the flight plan (that is to say “HOODOO” or “DIABLO”) that we are to send them home. We don’t deal in event numbers any longer, and while I personally don’t really care how we go about doing this, we have an LOA for a reason and they aren’t following it. I have passed multiple fight plan examples on to airspace, so hopefully this will stop being annoying and we can go back to normal.

ZLC LOA - I’ve been told we got it back and we need to review the wording so we can get it finalized. I have been very….. annoying? persistent? Pick your word, about following up with this so we can move on to the next thing. I have heard that there are some requests to get control for ELN arrivals from MWH, any other things you’d like to see, add them to the white board or let me know.

BFI Medevacs - I know this is still something creating conflict. I will discuss this with Dan again, but know that there are times where traffic or sequencing or whatever the situation is, won’t allow for it to be approved, and I would ask that you work with your A-area counterpart to come up with a resolution for the aircraft. I understand both sides of this, but we do still need to work together to provide a service to these and all aircraft we’re working.

I know there has been a lot of training going on lately, and I appreciate everyone’s willingness to accomplish this. Well done to all you instructors and students, and to those working the same sectors for days on end or for being shuffled around, for continuing to work hard to move our area to a better staffing situation!

As always, please reach out with any comments, suggestions, questions, etc. I am here for you and happy to help in any way I can.

Have a great rest of your week!


