Hi again,
I spoke with Jackie this week. He had a meeting with the temp ATM at LWS (they have a trainee, so hopefully this Tuesday closure thing will end soon…..) and the chief pilot at SKW and the aircraft ops director at SKW. There is a NOTAM for LWS to disregard the 5000’ crossing restriction at POTOR, but SKW will continue to work internally to ensure that this isn’t loaded into their FMS.
In the meantime, if you encounter a SKW departure leveling at 5000 over POTOR, please fill out the sheet in-between sectors 18 and 8 so we can let SKW know when this is happening.
If you were interested if we could have a shout line to YKM tower, tech ops did everything they could try to see if we had the capability to do that. I worked with them and tested it, but it did not work. At this point, it would be necessary to get funding and planning out of house to get a shout line installed at YKM. They aren’t going to push it unless we have really good reason to do so, so if you were who was requesting it and wanted to make a case for it, please let me know.
I haven’t seen QXE going SUNED PAPPS ZOOMR, so maybe we got this thing fixed…? If you’re still seeing it, please let me know.
Schedule - I hope by now you’ve had a chance to look over the new fatigue MOU. The schedulers and reps in the building have been discussing this at length to see what options we can come up with to satisfy all the new requirements. If you have any suggestions, please let me or Carly know. There are still 2 work groups that need to give us guidance on Overtime Tracking and other fatigue clarification, so until those are done, we can’t start talking about next year. I will keep you posted as I get more info.
GEG - Spokane approach has asked if there is a way that the routes we assign aircraft landing Spokane can get forwarded to them so they know where the aircraft is going. This shouldn’t impact how we do things, it’s mostly a formatting issue that will be done behind the scenes. At the very worst, instead of typing “ATOXE KGEG”, it will be a drop down menu option that will then send the routing to the TRACON. We still need to talk to GEG to see what fixes they want this built for, and I will keep you posted. The reason for this - aircraft are requesting an approach or fix with us, and the TRACON isn’t aware of this, so they tell the aircraft to plan for a visual or whatever advertised approach they have at the moment. Then the aircraft comes back telling them where they’re going, so it causes a lot of back and forth between the controller and pilot. If the controller knows where the aircraft is going, it can alleviate a lot of unnecessary transmissions.
Article 5 - Still looking for someone to please help out with the D side trainees starting 8/19. I am acting as the place holder for now, but we do need someone to please step up for this. Sun-Thurs or Mon-Fri schedules are available. If you have any questions, please ask me or your sup.
You guys have been working hard with the traffic, metering, and recently, addition of SO many TFRs. Thank you for all you do and know that your hard work is appreciated.
There is no new wave, only the C