So, I may owe N67WA an apology, but I’ll take care of that later…. First to update you!
There have been fire fighting aircraft filing to the REPII fix which is no where near the TFR they are wanting to work. I spoke with airspace today and it turns out there are 2 fixes called REPII and one was not removed when we went from HOST to ERAM. They are filing AIMS ticket to resolve this.
Also - there is a schedule that is floating around the area. This is a draft and is one option that we are looking at, but please review it and let me and/or Carly know if you have any questions or suggestions. We are continuing to look at options and come up with ideas, there will NOT be anything implemented until we have feedback from the floor. I will for sure let you know before a schedule is put forth to management.
Thanks - keep up the goodness