Hi C Area,

There has been a lot of discussion about the schedule, and if you feel like I have been avoiding it with you, please know that is absolutely not the case.

This new MOU with a whole new set of rules and hour restrictions has everyone I’ve talked to perplexed as to how to work around it. If you have not read the MOU, here are the bullet points…

  • 10 hours between shifts

  • 12 hours before and after a mid

  • 6 hour shift before a mid (that can start prior to 5:30)

  • If you’re assigned 2 consecutive weeks of overtime, you can opt out of working the 3rd week.

My goal by the end of this week is to get some options printed out and left in the area for you to read over and consider.

Please note -

  • Nothing is decided upon at this time.

  • I want your feedback (constructive please).

  • These are options and there may be more in the future (?)

  • The shifts have not been agreed upon (like a 14 may not be a 14, but it will be a swing, it is there for a reference more than anything).

  • Guides have not been agreed to.

The top option to reduce the impact as a whole to the area has been a 4-10 line with split RDOs. 2 swings,RDO, 2 mids. The idea behind this is the 4-10 lines cover for the mids when they’re on leave, and the 8 hour shifts will cover for the swing shifts.

There is the option of a (hours of shift length, not start times) 9-9-8-6-8 or 10-8-8-6-8. We cannot put someone who is not working a mid on a 6 hour shift. While this one keeps us closer to the current rattler shift rotation, it does cause a lot of scheduling work considering hours between shifts and noting the amount of leave that was bid off if shift lengths change.

NATCA schedulers (in all areas) do not get official time to work on the schedule. During the rest of the year, it is easier to get them a day or however long they need (scheduling training, high leave periods, etc) to get the schedule completed and presented to management to collaborate on the schedule before management plugs in the overtime and publishes it. I have brought up to management that we will need to ensure our schedulers get off the boards next summer to get our schedule built and correct with all the new rules as Web Scheduler does not alert for hour restrictions between shifts and verifying leave each pay period. Without this, it will be left to management to get everything correct.

This has been a lot to try to come up with something that will work while still waiting on MOU guidance for the overtime and fatigue mitigation, but know that nothing is off the table and I will continue to work with Carly to see what options will work best for our area as a whole.

Please look for something in the area soon to go over what options look like (again, don’t take all the shift start times to heart at this point) and please give your feedback. This is your schedule and your opinion matters!!!

For the C,


