Here we are at the end of May. I have a lot to share with you and ask for your input on.
So - please read through to the end and know I do very much want to hear from you!
A few general announcements and info to share…
A big WELCOME BACK to Blaser! We are so happy to have you back on the floor!
Congrats and many high-5’s to Xylen for certifying on all the lows! A big thanks to all who helped him reach his goal. Well done!!
Andreas is almost done with the dysim, we are looking forward to having you on the floor soon!
Some general info for ya…..
I am still working on getting control for PSC arrivals from 01 for descent. The Route Chan order is being reviewed to have the section on control cleaned up a bit, so my goal is to have the new procedues included in this change.
Airspace has sent an amendment to the depiction of the airspace where 01/09 overlap near ELN that will mirror what the LOA says to dispel any confusion on who has what altitudes. Be on the lookout for this change to take place.
A gentle reminder - if a supervisor requests to talk to you and you aren’t sure if it’s involving or could lead to discipline, PLEASE ASK FOR A REP IF YOU’RE NOT OFFERED ONE. I (and any other area or facrep member) would rather you ask for one and it be nothing than you wishing you would have had someone in the room with you. If you have any questions about this at all, PLEASE ask!
Our last round of IST went over EAP and CISM. I know it’s a public environment, so I thought I would send this contact info to you privately so you can save it if you wish. I encourage you to do so, but please don’t feel like it’s mandatory.
EAP 800-234-1327
CISM 202-505-2476 CISM@NATCA.NET
And, my favorite part……. How you can help!
If you are interested in being the C Area QA Article 5, please let me know
Tell me your thoughts on seeing the total delay for aircraft arriving SEA (not that we would take the total delay, but that we could see their total time and work with the A Area as to how much delay we would leave them with)
I know these emails can be long, but the E-Board is working to get recording equipment to create a podcast of sorts. Please let me know if you’d be interested in hearing me drone on, or just reading me drone on in your own voice.
If you have any thoughts on the Constitutional Changes that are being proposed, please let me know via text or email so I have a written record of your thoughts. I will share those with Drew and Amy as they get ready to share the facility’s position on the amendments being put forth. I strongly encourage you to attend the facility meeting Monday June 5th at 1:00. If you’re not able to make it, they will be sending out a link that you can listen to it through. This is your opportunity to share directly with them your position on these issues and get instant feedback from them.
Thank you Liz for volunteering to clean the fridge in May! We need some more people to step up and pick a month to wipe down the mini-fridge in back of the area. Thank you for your help!!
There will be a team of FAA Engineers (the radio technician peeps) at ZSE June 27-28 to do an audit of our existing Radio Frequency Interference and coverage problems. They are inviting a NATCA rep from every area to discuss the issues their area is having with this topic. Please let me know what issues you would like to have addressed, and I will send them to Garrett who is spearheading this. Be as detailed and thorough as possible, sector number, VHF/UHF, channel numbers, site names, and an overview of the issue in operational or practical terms. I will need this info before June 16th. If you would like to be the C Area point of contact for this, please let me know.
That’s all I had on my list. Thank you for all you do! I appreciate you and am available if you need anything.
Happy Memorial Day to you all!