Happy Mid-June C Area! Just a few things for ya…

First - a BIG congrats and oodles of HIGH 5’s to JR for certifying on 47/48, joining the ranks of CPC! Many thanks to all the OJTI’s and fellow controllers who helped along his journey to success! Well done, all!

Additionally, lots of congrats and high 5’s all around to Jun for certifying on D47/48! Great job to all the controllers and OJTI’s who aided Jun in his success! Congrats!

Housekeeping - Still looking for someone to please wipe down the fridge in the back of the area for June.

Training checklists - if you see something that maybe shouldn’t be on a list, please make a * respectful * note on the checklist or email or text me what you would like to see changed. I am hoping the lists can be reviewed soon to make sure they are accurate and helpful towards training.

Glenn Wood has been given the info for the KPSC, KALW, KRLD arrival agreement between sectors 09 and 01, basically giving sector 09 control for descent for these three airports. Hoping it gets added to the route chan soon and briefed to the floor, but do watch for this in the future.

I also just received an email from Glenn about the aircraft using HOODOO without coordinating correctly. It sounds like NUW will be changing their internal SOP so it will be a requirement for an outside user to get a full briefing on the NAS scheduler on the airspace and how it works. Please let me know if this is still occurring or if you’re having any more issues with this.

I have been told about ZLC allowing aircraft to merge over PDT at the same altitude. I had a conversation with the ZLC VP and the area rep for U41. They are going to put it out to the workforce to remind the controllers to alleviate this situation if they see it building. Again, keep me posted if this isn’t resolving.

Summer is upon us, so I will throw out a gentle reminder to review your schedule as we have people on leave and you may be used for coverage here and there on shifts you weren’t expecting to have. If you have an overtime shift that you cannot work due to life (what? you made plans on your day off??), please help your fellow controllers by not leaving their shift short. Ask me to help you with ideas if you’d like, see if there is someone you can swap shifts with, or if there is someone who can cover your shift for you. Pay it back later if you can help cover for someone else at another time. I know time off is valuable and we all need that time away from the building, so please remember that we’re all in the same boat with not wanting to work short.

The C Area time slot to talk to the team to review frequency issues is the 28th at 8:00am. We are looking to make the Cottonwood BUEC the main since we use it so much, and the question about cross coupling has been brought up. I will let you know when the meeting is over how it went and what the results were.

Happy Fathers Day to all you 2-legged and 4-legged dads out there!

As always, I’m here for you if you have any questions, comments, or concerns you would like to see addressed. Please reach out if you need anything.

Thank you for all you do, I appreciate you!


