Happy April C Area!

I want to start off by congratulating Jackie Knox for getting a permanent position in Airspace! He has officially vacated the C area, which means we are in need of an Article 5 for Airspace. If you are interested, please let me know.

The status of the fridge behind the area (yes, there is a mini-fridge back there) has reached the status of 4th grade science fair award winner. Management is happy to throw the fridge away, but I will put that off for as long as we can, or as long as people are wanting it back there. I am going to clean it out today (MyTy sent me to work with 409 and gloves), but we as an area need to work together to keep the fridge from sending us into an ATC-0 status.

There will be a sign up sheet at the fridge, please pick a month and wipe down the inside and throw away anything that looks like it’s starting to colonize.

With all the overtime we’re starting to see, please let me know if management is doing anything weird with cancelling/adding….basically if management is having any “oversights” when it comes to following the MOU or contract.

As a reminder - I’m on vacation starting tomorrow. Devin will be around if you need any assistance before I get back.

I appreciate you all, have a wonderful Easter!


