Good afternoon all, hopefully you are staying as safe as possible. 

Contact Tracing / Covid Information

Just a reminder, if you are given a contact tracing form, it is required to be filled out. Furthermore, every question must be answered. Recently, we saw a situation where test results took many days to get back to the facility and by that time the overlap was substantial and management ended up deciding to give contact tracing forms to everyone in that area. In that case, people that can prove that they didn’t overlap with the covid positive case (ie, Your shift ended at 1300 and the other person’s shift didn’t start until 1400). 

We need to stress that lack of candor will not be taken lightly by the FAA. We are seeing this nationwide. Long story short, don’t mess around with this. 

As an aside, we are hearing some very justified frustrations with the speed of the contact tracing process. There are a couple of issues that are at play. First, they will not contact trace for a “possible” covid hit. Only when it is determined to be a positive test result will they start the contact tracing program. Secondly the testing process itself. That may be delayed by a number of things like the testing facility speed, the availability of tests, hours of operation, etc. 

Another question asked often is why there isn’t a “mass announcement” when there is a covid positive in the building. The sharing of medical information is very strictly governed but for this pandemic they have developed a process. Contact with another person is defined as being within 6 feet of another person for more than 15 continuous minutes. If you do not meet that qualification, you will not be notified of another person’s medical information. 


The gym downstairs has been reopened. Here’s an email from Patrick Long, our OSHA Rep:

The gym will be reopened in a “Full” capacity with some precautions and procedures to ensure proper COVID-19 safety standards are met, which have been directed from FAA Headquarters.  As of this message the entire portion of the gym is usable to include the free weight area.  There are a handful of machines that are wrapped out of service, which need to be left as is.  There is 6 feet of space between usable machines/equipment and this must remain, please do not move equipment.  The free weight section is usable with free weights available.  In order to comply with HQ cleaning requirements, when complete with a workout all weight must be returned to either one of the pyramid rack stands or the side of the machinery.  When returning the plates DO NOT STACK the plates.  Each post/peg shall only have 1 plate on it.  This will allow for the cleaning crew to clean both sides of the plate without the need to lift or move it.  As a common curtesy to other users, do not leave plates attached to bars or the active area of the machines (ie Leg press).

The reopening of the Fitness Center is due to the cooperation of the FAA, PASS, and NATCA.  All parties understand that the cleaning requirements must be allowed to occur without interference.  If all users of the fitness center are able to comply with the requirements as stated above, the fitness center can remain open.  Seattle ARTCC is incredibly fortunate to have a fitness center of this size and quality.  It took several months for NATCA and the ZSE OSHA Committee to come up with a solution that would comply with HQ requirements and satisfy safety concerns of all parties.  Please do your part in maintaining safety, which will also ensure the fitness center remains open. 

Have a good night,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
