Executive Order Vaccine Mandate

As of writing this, we know there is an Executive Order for Federal workers to get the covid vaccine but we still don’t know exactly what it looks like. As soon as it comes out, we will send another email and get some more specifics. Right now there are more questions than answers.

Attestation Form

If you happened to check your FAA email, you may have seen an vaccination attestation form. The email was sent out before consulting NATCA and is not applicable to us yet. Do not worry about filling it out until we get back to you on it.

Covid-19 Testing Adminstrative Leave Change

There was a change to the HR Policy Bulletin 120 (covid procedures). The change pertains to vaccinated individuals and reads:

The Parties have agreed that the Agency shall grant up to three days of excused absence to fully vaccinated employees that:

a.     Have been identified by a RFS as a close contact during a work-related contact tracing, and;

b.     Have requested time to obtain a COVID-19 test through their supervisor to be scheduled between the third and fifth day from the identified potential exposure.

It is important to note that in accordance with CDC guidance, testing should occur between the third and fifth day from the identified potential exposure, not from the notification of potential exposure.

The full change can be found HERE.


All the positions except for the Secretary position and the C area rep went unopposed and here are the results:

FacRep: Amy Sizemore

VP: Drew Stewart

Treasurer: Devin Carlisto

TMU: Sherri O’Neil

A Area: Dan Rasmussen

B Area: Loren Cameron

D Area: Trevor Laush

C area people: If you have questions about or are interested in being your area’s representative, please let James know as soon as possible. 

Thank you all for you patience with the sporadic nature of these updates the past few weeks, 

Amy Sizemore and Derek Adams
