As you all might have seen, masks are back. This is a VERY recent development so we do not have much more than everything that was sent out in the national email. If you did not get that, please let us know, we can forward it. Here’s what we do know: the actual start date for this MOU at ZSE is to be collaborated between the FACREP and ATM and that will be done within the next couple of days. Just a reminder, when this goes into effect, the control room is considered a “shared space” and therefore masks must be worn at all times regardless of distance from others or vaccination status until our county’s covid rate goes down.
CA-1 Workplace Injury Form
The OWCP (Office of Workers’ Compensation Program) has expanded the CA-1 to include covid as coverable. What this means to you is that if you test positive and therefore cannot come to work you may apply for this program. This is oversimplifying it but basically, you will be paid a “straight 40” (no night diff, etc.), and you will not be charged sick leave. There is also an avenue to pursue this retroactively, just let us know if you would like more info.
Contact Tracing Form
The contact tracing form has changed and includes a question regarding your vaccination status. All questions on this form are mandatory and must be filled out in totality. The following was sent out from National:
“Disclosure: Submission of this information is mandatory. Failure to complete this form in its entirety, or providing misleading information may warrant disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, removal from Federal Service. This information will become part of the Privacy Act System of Records OPM/GOVT-10, Employee Medical File System Records, 75 FR 35099 (June 10, 2010).
We have also agreed on how this information may be used as follows:
The intent of making completion of contact tracing forms mandatory, to include all questions, is for the purposes of contact tracing to support the health and safety of employees. The information within the contact tracing forms will be used by the RFS to make a medical decision regarding a potentially exposed individual’s ability to return to work safely. The information may also be used to ensure compliance with the negotiated mask MOU.”
Please remember the importance of honesty on government documents and in the MOUs. If you are found to be otherwise, you are putting yourself at risk for disciplinary actions.
Nominations are ending this weekend, get those in! In case you forgot, the forms are on top of the box outside the control room. Have a great weekend,
Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore