We hope you all had nice, low-key, uneventful holidays this year. It feels weird to wish boring on people but after the last year, boring is good. 


At our last all members meeting, we discussed the excess budget we had since there wasn’t any travel for events, training or meetings this year. We presented a motion to donate a portion of that to charity. After discussion, the members in attendance voted to make the donation at $10,000! Five thousand of that has been donated to NATCA Charitable Foundation and we need your help dispersing the other five thousand. Please send us your suggestions for local charities. They must be “official” (501c3 registered) charities. You guys are amazing and we are so proud to work for you. 


We are continuing to keep an eye on each area and check in every other week with the reps to see when/if we need to transition back to normal schedules. We are still trying to stay on covid scheduling as long as possible but at some point training, leave or traffic will force our hand. This is a fluid situation and information changes quickly but we assure you that the final decision still needs to be made collaboratively by NATCA and management. The E-board will continue to keep you informed of any changes. Thank you all for being so flexible during all this. 

COVID Vaccinations

NATCA and the pilot’s union are still working on getting us all put in higher in the priority list due to the nature of our work. As it stands, the Washington State timeline puts most of us in the April-May categories. If you are able to get in to take the vaccine, please remember that it will dq you for 48 hours and please try not to put your crew-mates in a bind. 

The updates have been sporadic lately partially due to the holidays but mostly due to the lack of topics to report on. It seems like there’s everything yet nothing going on. If there’s ever anything that you’d like more information on or think we should talk about, please let us know!

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
