Hello all. We hope you are having a good December so far. This year sure seems like it has flown by.

We wanted to remind you one last time of the all member’s meeting tomorrow, (Saturday, December 12th) at 4pm. We will be conducting the meeting via Microsoft Teams. No sign up is necessary. You can use any browser except for Safari. We will be voting on next years budget, so please be sure to show up to have your voice heard. We are also interested in any other topics you would like to discuss.

Meeting link: Saturday, December 12th at 4pm

Here’s the link to the Microsoft Teams download.

Another topic that will be discussed tomorrow is the future transition to BWS. We know this is on the back of everyones’ mind so we will be sure to discuss it further and follow up with more information and speculation in next weeks update. We hope to see you all tomorrow.

In solidarity, 

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
