Good Evening All!


We will be meeting with management in the near future to discuss a plan of action to return to BWS. This is only an initial collaboration meeting but we’ll be sure to tell you all as soon as anything is set in stone. Our primary goal is still to stay on 5/5 as long as feasible but we need to honor leave, conduct OJTI and to keep the NAS safe and efficient. Our secondary goal is to keep as many crews/areas separated as possible. While not optimal, this may present itself as different areas transitioning sooner than others. In a perfect world, we could all stay on this until the pandemic is contained but since traffic, training and leave obligations vary from area to area, we’ll settle for some protection is better than none.

COVID Vaccine

Some of you may have noticed a letter in CEDAR stating, “Employees that receive a vaccination without prior coordination and approval will be charged Sick Leave.” Our understanding of the guidance that was sent out leads us to believe this is incorrect. That being said, it will cause mass chaos if we don’t try and coordinate this a little. We know that the availability of vaccination is sporadic at best but please try to do this on your EA days if you can. 

Thank you all for your continued patience while we work out the specifics of these two topics. As always, please let us know of any questions you may have or topics you’d like addressed.
