We haven’t had much to update lately, bidding has been going on relatively hitch free so that’s good.

Fitness Center

Fitness Centers across the nation have started to open up but only after a cleaning and distancing plan has been submitted. While Tech Ops and the Employee’s Association “own” the gym, Patrick Long has been working with them as one of our Northwest Mountain Region OSHA reps as well. Hopefully it will be approved soon and we’ll make sure to let you all know.

Veteran’s Day

NATCA would love for you to send in your pictures and we would love to see a strong Seattle Center presence. Feel free to send them directly to the communications team (comms@natca.org) with years in service and any other info you’d like to share. For instance, a memory, places you were stationed, job assignment, etc. Or, if you like, just reply to this email with you picture and info, we’ll forward it on.


A lot of people have been paying attention to the website (Harvard Global Health Institute) that the FAA pulls covid case data from and have noticed occasionally that our numbers have gone into the orange level and are wondering how that affects training. We were told the FAA and NATCA will look at these numbers on a consistent basis and will notify the facility if they’ve met the criteria to be downgraded to orange or red. At that time, all personnel not already in the facility will not be allowed in. So, if you’re in, you’re in and will continue to train. If you’re out, then you will not be allowed in until we’ve been upgraded to yellow or green.

RED: 25 or more cases per 100,000 people

ORANGE: 10-24 cases per 100,000 people

YELLOW: 1-9 cases per 100,000 people

GREEN: less than 1 case per 100,000 people

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
