Another week is in the books, hope you’re all healthy. As of today, we’re still in the yellow category but the case data is still trending up but there’s a good chance that will change to orange soon. If that happens, trainees in the building will continue training but no more will be brought in.
Volunteer Leave Bank MOU
Some of you may be finding yourself in the “use or lose” category for leave. If you don’t have a plan to use it all, please consider donating it to someone in need. Last week, NATCA and the FAA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the creation, implementation, and administration of a new Voluntary Leave Bank (VLB) Program. If you are interested in donating leave, contact any one of the Eboard members and we’ll walk you through it.
Mask Mandate
With the rising case numbers and constant facility level 3 cleaning costs across the nation, the FAA is cracking down on mask usage. You probably had to do the new mask eLMS and if not, you will soon. Northwest Mountain ARVP and Labor Relations lead, Josh Waggener made a good video explaining the dangers involved with not following the MOU. Give it a watch here.
Open Season
Health benefits open season started November 9th and will go until December 14th. If you need to make changes to your plan, now is the time. Here’s the link to the OPM website to make changes or compare plans. Also, the UNUM open season is still going until November 30th. This is an amazing NATCA benefit that you should definitely look into, especially if you’re the primary income earner for your family. The link for that is here.
Please continue to stay safe and stay home,
Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore