We hope you all had a wonderful, socially distanced Thanksgiving. This has all been so weird, it’ll be great when it’s safe to get together again. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

All Members Meeting

There will be an All Members virtual meeting December 12th at 4pm. 

So far, the only agenda item is to vote on next year’s budget but we will for sure have an update to anything that’s going on and answer any questions you might have.

Here’s the link for that.

Volunteer Leave Transfer Program

With the end of the year approaching and a lot of people with a use or lose balance, we just wanted to talk about the VLTP program one more time. You can donate Annual or Sick leave through this program. This has to be done on an FAA computer but I (Amy) just did it and it’s pretty easy. You can click on this link or go to the FAA home website, just search VLTP. It’ll have you choose the region where the person that you would like to donate to currently works. Then it’ll come up with a list that includes all FAA employees approved to be on this program and how many hours they’re looking for. If you’d like to see a list of fellow NATCA members to donate to, here’s the link

BUE Recall Notice

As with everything else, information seems to be changing daily. There was an email sent out from NATCA recently reference a recall. Basically, everyone with at least one certification will be recalled to the facility. If the gating criteria does not allow the facility to train, they will just be staffing. Since this all is changing fairly quickly, we’re just working with the individuals affected directly but if you have any questions, let us know. The short of it is, lots of new people in the facility, some training, some not. Wear your mask.

Please continue to stay safe and sane. Find a small business to support tomorrow for Small Business Saturday (online if able). 

Thank you for allowing us to serve as your representatives,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
