Thanks to those that were able to make it to one of the two town hall meetings this last week. It was a pleasure getting to catch up and discuss bidding as well as other issues that have come up in the recent weeks and months. 


We are hoping to begin bidding on Monday, October 19th. We are still ironing out the last bit of the schedule negotiations, but Monday is still our target to get the bid underway. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to look at the PowerPoint slides and video to refamiliarize yourself with the MOUs and BidATC. Ensure your password works. If not, there is a forgot password link on the login screen. Once you are able to log in, please double check that your contact information is up to date and if you are able to receive text notifications, please be sure you select this option to expedite the bidding process. If you have any trouble, please contact any of the reps and we’ll get it sorted out.

ZSE NATCA Website - this link has the MOUs and the bidATC video/PowerPoint.

bidATC - please log in to ensure your information and contact method is up to date.


Our training plan was approved by the district. Now we start working on a plan to get the developmentals back into the building as safe and efficient as possible. This has been an unprecedented event, so we are learning as we go the best way to start training after having a 7 month lapse. All trainees are entitled to Article 67, also known as spool up time, which allows the trainee time to return to the knowledge/skill level they were at when the break in training began. The training department is working on a plan to help the operation by bringing in a couple of developmentals at a time, evaluating them on sector knowledge, running scenarios on the simulator, generally getting them to a point where OJTI will be more useful and not too overwhelming before going to work on a crew with live traffic. Please be patient with them when they get back, ATC is not really a skill that can be practiced outside of work and it will take time and effort to help them work past this hurdle.


With the imminent introduction of new people into the building and with flu season upon us, we wanted to stress the importance of mask usage. We know this subject seems to continue to come up, but it is very important that we stay vigilant in keeping ourselves and our coworkers safe. Please take special care during relief briefings, training and as you traverse the area and the building. It has not been a problem up to this point with management and we want to keep it that way.

We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy. As always, we are here if you need us. Here’s to another successful year of bidding. Thanks for all your hard work, professionalism and patience. 

In solidarity,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
