As many of you may know, it was quite a stormy weekend, but it looks like we made it through…for the moment. As always, thank you for your outstanding work during trying times. Hopefully we will be rewarded with sunshine for awhile to make it all worth while.

A final reminder that Eboard nominations are due by this Thursday, August 15th. Nomination forms are located on the black box next to the mail slots on the way to the lockers. Fill out the form and drop it in the black box. After Thursday, start looking for your ballot in the mail.

As you can imagine, this is a busy time for the Eboard as we near MOU negotiations. The area reps and OMs are finalizing guides and schedules while the negotiation team finalizes our U1 proposals. We will be trading proposals with management on August 22nd, so we will see what kind of uphill battle we have from there. Negotiations will begin September 5th. If you have any further input for your reps on the schedule or the Eboard on MOUs please let us know.

Don Amundson notified me that the national IST CADRE instructors will be here to train facilitators for our upcoming December IST training. The dates for facilitator training are October 29th - 30th and October 31st - November 1st. ZSE will receive IST instruction December 1st - 14th. If you are interested in being a facilitator please let your area rep or any member of the Eboard know no later than August 22nd.

A final note to those that live on the south side, there will be construction on Kersey Way SE beginning tonight and extending through late August. The link to the Auburn Reporter is here:

I believe during the week will be lane closures, flaggers and extra traffic while the weekend will have full closures in that area. Please be cognizant of the electronic sign on that route for upcoming closures and the depicted detours during the construction.

That wraps it up for this week. Please be safe and enjoy the last few weeks of summer.

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams
