I hope you all have had a great week. I apologize to those that may have been trying to get ahold of me over the weekend and did not get a response. I was at the coast with friends and family for some much needed R&R and my cell coverage was almost non-existent.
The training department finally has a small lull on inbound new hires from the academy. We still have several ERRs on the way, but we are a ways down the list for academy grads. Hopefully this will give us a chance to get caught up with the students we have. For those that haven’t been up to the training department, it has gotten quite crowded.
The LSC is rolling out a series of SAFE briefings and I had the opportunity to attend one today. I enjoyed it quite a bit because it was quick but also allowed for some open discussion. The briefing gives controllers from multiple areas the opportunity to interact and discuss different ways to handle certain situations. I applaud the LSC on their work and I look forward to attending more of these briefings.
Just a quick reminder that the ballots will be hitting your mailboxes soon. I highly encourage you to take the time to vote for your next Eboard. As I’ve said before, this is not any individuals’ local but OUR local. Please use this opportunity to make your voice heard.
A final note, I will be out of town next week to attend Rep 1 Training in Las Vegas. I attended a previous rendition of this training called Basic Rep Training, but that was 11 years and 3 facilities ago, so it’s time for a refresher. Amy will be your point of contact while I’m away from the facility but, as always, I will be available by text, call or email. Enjoy the last remaining weeks of summer.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams