Good Afternoon, just a couple of things for you today.
Nomination season is in full swing. Please stop by the black box outside the reading room near the mailboxes to make your nominations. After closing on August 15th, the Election Committee will validate all responses, print and send out ballots as soon as possible. Elections will be completed by September 15th.
Backpack Stuffing
Due to a scheduling conflict, I will be changing the date of the Backpack Stuffing Party to this Friday, the 9th at 12pm. Please feel free to stop by anytime after noon, we will probably start the project around 1.
10503 174th AVE E
Bonney Lake, 98391
Please RSVP via email or text 2538806414
MOU Negotiations
We will start negotiations beginning of September. Our goal is to complete as soon as possible and start bidding early October. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact any member of the E-board.
OSHA Representative
We are looking for volunteers to serve as our OSHA rep. Mainly this would constitute sitting in on a couple of TELCONs, walk-throughs of construction projects and being our point of contact to the national OSHA leads. If you are interested, please let any member of the E-board know.
As always, it is a pleasure to be able to address you,
Amy Sizemore