Good afternoon ZSE!
Occasionally we’ll alternate who sends off the weekly facility update. This week, it is my turn and my pleasure to address you all.
First, I would like to recognize our two newest CPCs. Matt Braunstein in the B area and Matt Williford in the D area. This is a great accomplishment after a long, grueling process and deserves recognition. While I believe that each area has recognized their new CPCs, I would like to renew the tradition of center wide accolades. Well done! (Now when are those sign off parties???)
If you attended the last all members meeting, you may have heard that we are considering bidding RDOs and leave electronically this year. There are many benefits to this, primarily finishing all rounds of the bid process within a couple weeks versus a couple months. The main change for us is that we would have bidding times slots. These would all be determined weeks in advance of the start of bidding so there will be no surprises as to when your bid time is. We will get more information out to you about this, but if you have any initial questions or concerns please relay them to any E-board member so they may be addressed. That being said, we are nearing that time of year when we start negotiating the 2020 MOUs. The E-board would also like to hear from you if you have anything that you would like to see changed.
Election season is nearly upon us so please be thinking of people you’d like to see in a leadership role. “New blood” is good for us as we continue to strive to make our local the best possible. With the new Local Constitution amendments being adopted, nominations will be solicited between August 1-15th and elections will be completed by September 15th. If you are looking for a way to help out but can’t commit to two years, we are looking for volunteers to be on the election committee. If you are interested in helping, please let your area rep know or shoot me an email.
Finally, due to a family emergency, Derek will be unavailable for a short time. Please feel free to contact me for anything you might need assistance with. Email, call/text 2538806414.
In Solidarity,
Amy Sizemore