I hope you all had an awesome 4th of July! Just a quick update today.
We will have an all members meeting on the 23rd of July in the East/West conference room from 1130-1530. The meeting hours are longer so that you all will be able to drop in as your schedule permits. We will be discussing MOUs and online bidding. We will provide lunch, probably pizza.
For those of you in the D area, you have already seen this message, but I thought I’d add in what Drew put in his last update.
“Several people have mentioned getting headaches and feeling rundown at work as well as a metallic taste in their mouth. This was reported to B area supe Joe Herrera who turned it in to Kevin Nolan. He talked to the SOC about it and they discovered a fan belt that was broken on something in that hallway right outside the control room. They fixed it and think that it might solve the issue. They said it was not attached to the HVAC system. They also said there is no reason to believe it is asbestos related.
I am not going accept that as a final answer though and I have reached out to see what our regional OSHA rep says. I’ll let you guys know more as I know more.”
Please pass any concerns on to your area rep.
The election committee will be accepting nominations starting August 1st, ending August 15th. Please be thinking about people you’d like to see representing your interests. Also, your area reps will be coming around to each person and verifying mailing addresses with you. This is so that we can ensure ballots go to the correct address.
In Solidarity,
Amy Sizemore