I hope all of the fathers out there had an enjoyable day yesterday. I was able to take the day off and spend some quality time with my wife and kids.
Thank you to those that made it to the All Members Meeting on Thursday. We had a great turn out. Of the three proposed amendments to our local constitution two passed. Our elections will be moved up and completed by September 15th and elections will be decided by plurality rather than majority. The special election in the event of a vacancy on the Eboard was briefly discussed but did not receive a second and therefore was not officially heard. We also talked about the upcoming MOU negotiations and the Eboard is going to be researching a possible move to electronic bidding. More to come on those topics as we begin preparing for negotiations.
On the topic of negotiations, management will be represented by Lee Kramer, Kevin Nolan and Stan Conrad. Amy Sizemore, Drew Stewart and I will represent NATCA. If you have any input on any of the three MOUs please take the time to reach out to us or any member of the Eboard so we can better prepare ourselves and properly represent you all during negotiations.
For those of you that dealt with PDX metering last week, I applaud your professionalism during less than ideal conditions. I apologize that it took as long as it did to get the Hot Sheet out to the workforce. The items contained in the Hot Sheet were decided on by the CWG last Monday and are in the process of being incorporated into an SOP. Management wanted to pull the Hot Sheet as soon as the construction at PDX ended, but I urged them to keep it in place until the SOP is finalized in the event that PDX metering is needed for some unforeseen reason.
Another quick reminder that the NEB will be in town next Tuesday for a meet and greet. Unfortunately, I will be out of town and unable to attend, but if you have the time, please go get to know our national leadership. Below is the flyer for the event. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.
Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to this great profession. I am truly honored to work for you.
In solidarity,
Derek Adams