I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I know many of you eagerly await my weekly updates on Mondays at 6PM, so I apologize for the update being a day late, but I chose to take some HL to spend time with my wife and kiddos.
This week you should be getting a CEDAR update about some upcoming asbestos removal in the basement that will be taking place over the next few weeks. If there are any concerns you have in regards to this please feel free to contact me or Glenn Wood. Glenn is the management POC on this project.
The PDX metering CWG is all set to go and the first meeting with all the parties will take place on June 10. If you have any questions, concerns or things you’d like considered for your area, please let your area rep know and they can get you in contact with your areas designee on the workgroup.
A thank you again to those who attended NATCA in Washington on our behalf, and thank you to those that held down the fort here while they were away. Here is a write up and a few photos from Devin Carlisto:
Last week, ZSE sent 7 Members to NATCA in Washington to speak with Legislators about our ongoing funding issues including the effects of the recent 35 day shutdown. We were asking for support on HR1108, a bill that would keep the whole FAA running in the event of another partial government shutdown. This would be made possible by allowing the FAA to use funds from the Aviation Trust Fund where we get 95% of our funding. As of May 10th, NATCA had unanimous support of the aviation community and a letter with over 40 trade organizations in support of the Legislation. Additionally, we had bipartisan support of 160 members of the House of Representatives co-sponsoring the bill. Our purpose this year was to convince more Members to sign on to the bill. Air travel is so important to the American people that disruptions to service are the most obvious effect of a shutdown. Some Members of Congress are reluctant to lose that leverage if our bill were to become law. As such, the House leaders have not scheduled the bill for a vote, even though it has been passed out of Committee. If we can get 218 Members of the house to co-sponsor the bill it would automatically be voted on, that is our goal. Before NIW our State had 3 House members co-sponsoring the bill, as of Wednesday we had a commitment from 2 more and laid the groundwork for more. All this is possible due to the fantastic work of our Members who volunteered to give up their leave and RDOs to spend very long days learning and advocating for our great Union. If you see one of them, please thank them for their activism.
Devin Carlisto
That’s all I have for this week. Please remember that your Eboard is here to serve you. We will continue to strive every day to make ZSE a great place to work.
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams