Welcome to another weekly update. Just a couple quick things for this week.
A couple weeks ago I mentioned “summertime traffic” and the need to be cognizant of ourselves and our co-workers. Another issue we tend to experience during this time of year is thunderstorms. During periods of thunderstorms, we find ourselves with a multitude of weather related deviations and requests. Please remember we are on the same team and trying to accomplish the same mission. Be thorough with your coordination, whether it be manual or automated, but also be receptive to the other sectors and areas need for your help. Remember that just because you aren’t busy doesn’t mean the sector or area next to you is not. As I’ve said before, we are best to advocate for ourselves rather than wait for management to take action. If you have trouble getting a sector split or a D-side in a timely manner, please let your area rep know.
I have been hearing rumors floating around about management trying to implement a break policy. I want you all to know that I have not heard anything on this first hand nor has Don mentioned it to me in any conversations we have had. If I do hear of anything, you will be the first to know. Please remember that management has the right to assign work. With our short staffing, increased traffic and inclement weather mentioned above, there may be times when breaks get cut short to improve the safety and efficiency of the operation. I think it would be irresponsible on my part to pick a fight with management when this is the case. During routine operations, breaks should continue to be status quo. If this is not the case, please note the date and time and let your area rep know.
A reminder again that the next All Members Meeting will be Thursday, June 13 at 1430 at The Rainbow Cafe. Agenda items will include MOU negotiations, electronic bidding, proposed Local Constitution amendments (found here: http://www.natca-zse.com/constitution-changes) and the holiday party. This will be the first Local meeting since the appointment of Alex Navarro to RVP, and the Eboard is eager to show you that we continue to do everything in our power to work for you. We look forward to seeing you there.
In Solidarity
Derek Adams