Memorial Day weekend is nearly upon us and that brings up a couple things.

First and foremost, for those of you who have plans with friends and family, please be safe. Remember that a fifty dollar Uber/Lyft ride is a lot cheaper than any of the repercussions that come from a DUI. If you find yourself in a tight spot, please contact me or any member of the Eboard directly and we help you.

This also means the official start to “summertime traffic.” With that comes an increase in workload, sector splits, and a general feeling of exhaustion after a hard days work. Please be mindful of yourself and those around you. As professionals, it is incumbent on us to take care of our own. If you need help, call for it. If you see someone else who needs help, jump in there. If you know the area is running short, shave just a couple minutes off your break. I never suggest relying on management to provide the help we need. We should always rely on each other.

A reminder that our next All Members Meeting will be June 13, 1430 at the Rainbow Cafe. A couple important items of discussion will be upcoming MOU negotiations, proposed Local Constitution amendments, the holiday party and any other agenda items you would like to discuss. Please forward agenda items to any member of the Eboard. For the proposed Local Constitution amendments please go here:

Remember this is OUR Local. Although the Eboard is in place to work on your behalf, we want the voice of the membership to be heard.

Thank you and have a safe holiday.

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams
