This week the Eboard is pushing forward with two CWGs that seem pretty pressing at the moment. The first will be dealing with PDX metering. The area reps are just finalizing their participants and we will get that CWG rolling. The second only applies to the A and C areas and TMU, and deals with NAS NUW airspace scheduling and activation. I had mentioned this one in a previous update and indicated it would encompass the entire facility, but as we moved forward, it became clear that the issues with NUW need to be addressed prior to involving the other areas. More to come on both these subjects as the workgroups get put together and start coming up with plans for each. Thank you to those that came forward to work on these important issues.

NATCA in Washington (NiW) is coming up next week and I just want to take a moment to say thank you to those who have volunteered their time to help better our great profession. As you may or may not know, these folks use their personal time, wether it be annual leave or RDOs, to go to Capital Hill to advocate to members of congress on our behalf. Although the Local often gives each a stipend to help offset the high cost of a trip to Washington DC, it is often not enough to cover the entirety of the trip and they end up spending out of pocket as well. Again, Iā€™d like to commend them on their dedication to the Air Traffic Control profession and their willingness to sacrifice their time and money on our behalf.

Numerous discussions have been swirling around metering and MIT as they are used to feed aircraft to Seattle Approach. It has been determined that the two cannot be intermixed. The issue of MIT comes up for the HAWKZ arrival when SEA is in a north flow. When metering is in place, that is what will be used. When metering is not being used a MIT initiative may be put in place. As the traffic levels continue to pick up, please keep your area reps apprised of any issues that arise during either of these TMU initiatives.

I will be out of town beginning Wednesday afternoon through Friday evening (5/15-5/17). As always, I will be available via cell phone, but I will be leaving my computer at home. Any pressing issues can be run through your area reps or any other Eboard member.

In Solidarity

Derek Adams
