I apologize for the technical difficulties last week on the update. I thought I had it set up to send out on Friday afternoon but, as you saw, it didn't make it out until early this week.
We are nearing the end of bidding in all areas. There seems to be some difficulties with the website while bidding round 5, so your continued patience is appreciated as we wrap things up. All-in-all, I am very pleased with our MOUs, the use of bidATC and your participation. We can only improve from here.
Our next All Members Meeting will be December 9th from 1400-1600. The location is still TBD. Some agenda items will include a budget presentation from Devin Carlisto as well as the Local Constitution amendments. We will also be saying thank you to our outgoing Eboard members and welcoming our incoming members. Please take a little time to come join me in thanking these guys and gals for their dedication to making ZSE a great place to work.
Finally, our NATCA brother Mr. Aaron Katz and his FAA counterpart will be in the facility next Monday, Nov. 18th through Thursday, Nov. 21 to conduct a survey on training in the field. Below you can find an email he sent me with information to share with you explaining more.
Hello everyone,
My name is Aaron Katz and I am the National Human Performance Rep for NATCA. I am here at your facility collecting data with the Civil Aviation Medical Institute (CAMI) for a research project about ATC training in the field. Here is a quick run down of what we are doing:
What - This is a voluntary and anonymous survey with questions for all demographics. Trainees, CPC’s, OJTI’s can all participate. The survey has been vetted by NATCA and participation is encouraged.
How - The survey is pre-loaded on an iPad. The survey should take between 20 and 30 minutes and is to be done on DUTY TIME.
When - We will be at ZSE starting Monday afternoon 11/18 through Thursday 11/21.
Where - We will be set up in the East/West Conference Room.
We are conducting this on site data collection at 7 different facilities. Please help us get as large of a data sample as possible. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Aaron Katz
NATCA Human Performance Representative
Cell (480) 307-4580
Please take a little time to help Aaron and his team with their research.
Please enjoy your weekend and for the Seahawks fans in the building, enjoy your heart attack free bye week…what a crazy game on Monday!
In Solidarity,
Derek Adams