First and foremost, I would like to take a moment to thank our veterans and our military family members for their service and their sacrifice. Please enjoy the holiday weekend, but take a moment to honor those that served and those currently serving.

Bidding is plugging along at a pretty good pace. Each of the areas has begun round 3 as of this morning. Thank you for your patience with the website and with the Eboard as we continue along in the process. The Eboard has made note of a few of the more difficult situations the website has presented and will take action to improve the process year-over-year. Thanks again for your participation and patience.

There are several Eboard proposed amendments to the Local Constitution that we would like you to consider prior to voting at the next all members meeting. We have not finalized the details of the meeting yet, but the proposed amendments are posted in the glass case in the hallway just outside the control room. Please take a moment to read over the proposal there or you can click here to view the PDF.

The holiday party is just around the corner. Please be sure to RSVP with Amy at so we can start to get a headcount. This is a great opportunity for us to get together outside of work to blow off some steam and get to know each other a little better. There is a small block of rooms reserved for us at $159 for the night so let Amy know when you RSVP that you are interested in a room as well. Please click here to view the flyer with details about the event.

I will be out of town this weekend to watch the Seahawks play the 49ers in Santa Clara. Wish me luck as I venture into enemy territory. I’ll be back in the facility on Wednesday but, as always, I’m just a call, text or email away.

In solidarity,

Derek Adams
