I’d like to start off by thanking all of those that participated in the training survey this last week. We had a very good turn out and Aaron Katz was very appreciative of our efforts. In total, they gathered close to sixty surveys so thanks for the great effort.

Bidding is coming to a close and the area reps and schedulers are now working tirelessly to get everything input into wmtscheduler. The leave portion of wmtscheduler had to be opened up to input all the bid leave, but each area will be opening it up at different times for the remainder of your NPTL requests. Please do not put any leave requests for 2020 in prior to your areas designated time because it will be deleted by the schedulers. Once again, thank you for your patience as we tackled this new way of conducting the bid. We will learn and improve from this years experience. We completed the entire bid process in just under four weeks which is phenomenal compared to years past.

There are several volunteer opportunities here at ZSE that I would like to share. First I am looking for volunteers for the Local Safety Council. If you have any interest in being a part of the LSC, please let me or another member of the Eboard know.

The second opportunity is for volunteers to conduct Internal Compliance Verifications (ICV). Briana Whalen wants to involve NATCA in this process and asked me to solicit for a volunteer from each area to conduct quarterly ICV duties. If this is something you are interested in, she gave me a powerpoint that you can find here that explains more. Again, let a member of the Eboard know if you would like to be considered.

The last couple of things for the week is please RSVP to Amy at amatc20@gmail.com for the holiday party. Also, the All Members meeting will be December 9th from 1400-1600 at Oddfellows in downtown Auburn.

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams
