Well we just received 4 "Easter eggs" this week as we found out that we're getting new hires out of OKC. Additionally we are receiving at least 12 ERR transfers over the next 11 months. Know that, we're trying to balance the staffing between the 4 area and this is what we've come up with (for now) factoring the "known" retirements for the next 3 years.
Name - (Facility) - Area - (arrival) - seniority (m/y)
Aaron Rose - (S46) A area - (Dec) 2/09
Zack Harris - (P80) B Area - (Dec) 7/11
Micheal Zoch - (AMA) B Area - (Dec) 2/12
Mark Trott - (ZLA) B Area (Jan) 3/11
Caleb Marion - (ZID) D Area (Jan) 4/07
J-Rod - (ZHU) Area (March) 12/06
Frank Champaco - (ZOA) - B Area (March) 5/07
Jennifer Young - (ZME) - B Area (April) 12/08
Louis Lepp (GUA) - C Area (June) 1/13
Roy Teshima (ZOA) - A Area (Nov) 3/04
Jennifer Teshima (ZOA) - C Area (Nov) 1/10
Fartun Strutin (ZDC) - D Area (Nov) 8/10
Factoring the known retirements, this would put our staffing level at each area for the 2020 bid schedule
A Area - 41
B Area - 42
C Area - 39
D Area -38
Of course this is all tentative incase of some unforeseen retirements or losses.
Control Room Lighting
We've had a little drama with the lighting recently so we are working on a new lighting agreement. Essentially the lighting must stay on the negotiated level from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm Monday through Sunday. On the mid shift, if an area wants to adjust the lights, they must make a request through the OMIC. Employees (controllers) are not allowed to change the lighting level without Managments approval.
Ladders in the control room
This is just a reminder that controllers are not allowed to climb onto the ladders anywhere on the facility grounds, especially in the control room. This is an OSHA issue. Additionally if you wish to hang something on the wall, you now must go through your area rep (No Cowboy banners!). lol
2016 Contracts
The new CBA's showed up this week, so instead of putting one in everyone's mail box, just make a request through your rep or come up to the NATCA office upstairs and get your new copy the CBA.
There is an EBoard meeting on Thursday December 8th at 1pm, in OSW 322. Agenda items will be - Staffing, Solidarity event, NEXTGEN, internal audit and budget.
Overtime MOU
The OT MOU should be out later this week, we're just putting the final touches on it. Once it's been signed, we'll email it out to you.
Monday and Tuesday (December 12 & 13) George Rigetko from Unim will be at ZSE (in the cafeteria from 10am to 3pm) to answer any questions about long term disability or life insurance. Both benefits are for NATCA members only.