Hello all! There are a couple of Get Out the Vote doorbell days with Senator Murray coming up. If anyone is interested in going, please let me know!

Monday, Nov 7: Tacoma GOTV w/ Sen. Murray, Gov. Inslee, US Rep. Kilmer, US Rep. Heck, Pat McCarthy for State Auditor, Rick Talbert for Pierce County Exec, 27th State Sen. Jeannie Darneille, Jamie Smith for 25th State House, & Tina Podlodowski for Sec. of State. 10:30am at IBEW 76, 3049 S 36th St, Tacoma

Monday, Nov 7: Fircrest GOTV w/ Sen. Murray, Gov. Inslee, US Rep. Kilmer, US Rep. Heck, Pat McCarthy for State Auditor, Rick Talbert for Pierce County Exec, 28th State Rep. Christine Kilduff, Marisa Peloquin for 28th State Senate, Mari Leavitt for 28th State House, & Tina Podlodowski for Sec. of State 12:30pm at Fircrest Community Center, 555 Contra Costa Ave, Fircrest

Monday, Nov 7: Everett GOTV w/ Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, & US Rep. DelBene 2:30pm at the Everett Coordinated Campaign Office, 2817A Rucker Ave, Everett

Tuesday, Nov 8: Bothell GOTV w/ Sen. Murray, US Rep. DelBene, 45th State Rep Roger Goodman, & Shelley Kloba for 1st State House9:30am at the Northshore Education Association, 18704 Bothell Way NE, #101, Bothell

Tuesday, Nov 8: Seattle GOTV w/ Sen. Murray, Gov. Inslee, Sen. Cantwell, US Rep. DelBene, & Tina Podlodowski for Sec. of State. 11:30am at the Seattle Coordinated Campaign Office, 3300 E Union St, Seattle

And of course there's also the election night party in Seattle at the Westin hosted by the WA State Dems, that the Senator will be at! More info available here: http://www.wa-democrats.org/events/election-night-party

And......Don't forget to turn in your ballots!!!

You gals & guys are awesome!

Ligaya Andrews
