We'll begin the 2017 Schedule and Leave bidding on Monday the 24th.  The seniority lists are posted on the NATCA board, so make sure everything is correct and up to date.

As for bidding, here's a quick refresher...

Bid days off and then your first round of leave.  Up to two weeks, consecutive or non.  During the leave bidding process, you'll have the opportunity to bid all the leave you'll accrue for the leave year (13, 20 or 26 days, meanwhile some employees will be transitioning between 13 to 20 or 20 to 26).

Rounds 2 through 5 is up to one week.

Round 6 is all the remaining leave that you will accrue for the leave year in days.

Each area will have their 2017 schedule along with the leave calendar available to be viewed on our NATCAZSE web page.  NATCA will be running the bidding process as our area rep and designee will be pushing the bidding process.  Remember if you are away from the facility for more than two days, please leave a proxy with your rep.

The BWS & Leave MOU's are located under the 2017 Bid link.

Once we complete the RDO process, customization sheets will be available in each area for you to make any change requests to your bid line.

If you have any questions, please see Alex, myself or your area rep.
