Thanks to all that made it to the meeting yesterday. For those of you who couldn't make it, here is what we covered.
2017 Schedule - Bidding should start around October 24th for RDO's and leave. Your area reps are either done or wrapping up discussions on what the schedule should look like.
2017 Leave - You will be able to bid all the leave that you accrue (13/20/26 days) for the 2017 leave year beginning on January 8th and it's all pre-approved (or guaranteed). As per the contract, the agency is obligated to provide the number of leave slots that will be accrued for each area. For instance, an area will accrue 700 days for the year, so what we've agreed upon with the front office is that they will offer us 3 leave slots per day all year round (which equates to about 1095 slots) instead of identifying the Prime Time period for 2017.
*TMU and Trainees will get 1 slot per day all year round.
Round 1 - Up to two weeks, consecutive or non.
Rounds 2-5 - Up to a week (5 days, but they don't have to be consecutive).
Round 6 - All remaining leave that you will accrue in days. For example, heading into round 6 you could have 15 days left, then you could use all of them on 15 Fridays.
Once round 6 has been completed, each Area Rep will collaborate with their Operations Manager to place the remaining leave slots for the Non-Prime Time period. For example, with 3 slots a day all year round, that would equate to about 1095 slots. Lets say an area would accrue 700 slots for the CPC's, therefore you would subtract 395 slots from the 1095 to be in compliance with the Contract. If an area bids 600 days, then there will be 100 days/slots available.
Once the remaining slots have been identified, at some point they will become available for any "carry over" leave, which would also be pre-approved (guaranteed). We still are not sure on how that process will look like, but we will have a better idea once we get closer to round 6.
Trainees will begin their bidding process once the CPC RDO bidding has been complete. The rationale is that we need to identify where the OJTI's will be prior to creating the trainee lines.
As soon as we get the MOU's signed, we will be posting them on our website.