CWG (Collaborative WorkGroup) Volunteer needed

I’m seeking a volunteer to participate in a CWG. This CWG is to streamline the process of airspace activation throughout all 4 areas. If you are interested in being apart of this CWG please let me know. This may require you to shift adjust for meetings that suit the majority of participants.

Article 5 Solicitation

I’m still accepting volunteers for the Training Department Article 5 detail. This solicitation will close on April 30th. The article 5 is for stage 3 training July 16-August 23. Please let me or Barry know if you are interested.

NATCA Local Elections

It may seem early to discuss this years elections but I will be stepping down as Area Rep in October. I will be returning to Ohio at the end of October as the time has come for me to be there for my family. This is bittersweet for me as I have learned so much in my time here at ZSE and made great friends. So I would like to start mentoring anyone who is interested in becoming our next area rep. Elections will take place at the end of September which will give me about 3 weeks to fully hand over the reigns. Let me know if you have any interest in the position and I can begin to show you the ropes.


