Pay Period 24 has been published. Area refresher training will take place during this pay period from November 5-9th. As a result there were many hourly shift changes on the day shifts. The day shifts also looked as if they area staffed over guides. Please note that all of the hourly shift changes have been tracked but were not published as a return to shift request due to the volume of requests that would need to be entered. The swing shift return to shift requests as well as any day to swing and swing to day requests have been entered. If you would like to return to your bid shift you will need to make your request.

For all of the CICs, please do not approve XTE or AL on the day shifts between November 5-9. If you approve any shift swaps, please make sure that both people involved in the swap are able to swap their spots in refresher training. We are only able to accommodate 4 people per refresher class-2 classes a day at 7am and 11am.


