A Area Update September 19, 2018
Solicitation of Interest
We are in need of article 5 to the training department for stage 3 class from January 1-February 15. This is going to be very demanding as there are four stage 3 developmentals. Please advise me by Thursday November 1 if you are interested and if you have any schedule requests.
Airspace and Procedures
Thanks to everyone’s hard work this summer, Eric Tandberg was able to collect sufficient data to present a safety case to NUW to lower the use of MOLSON South to FL280 and below. Eric will be making his presentation later this month. Along with the safety case, Eric will be addressing the routing of P3 and P8 aircraft through the Olympic MOA. Eric will be informing NUW to file flight plans as is OLY is always active.
Over the summer I had several requests regarding our A area radar map. I have requested that KOTAA and LOOOO be added. While addressing these requests, Eric and I discussed removing the Handoff Points on the radar map. They are depicted the same as a NAVAID and are no longer used. The only one that will remain is MATIA as it is still used by Vancouver South for handoffs.
Jason Poole and I have negotiated next years schedule. As part of it we looked at our staffing and guides. I have asked for day shift guides in the summer to be raised but we do not have the staffing for it. Going forward I have negotiated a third set of weekday guides as well as weekend seasonal guides.
These guides will be implemented beginning October 28, 2018 and are as follows:
Weekday Guides
October 28, 2018 – March 2, 2019 9 day/9 swing
March 3, 2019 – May 25, 2019 10 day/9 swing (current winter guides)
May 26, 2019 – September 14, 2019 10 day/10 swing (current summer guides)
September 15, 2019 – October 26, 2019 10 swing/9 day
October 27, 2019 – January 4, 2020 9 day/9 swing
Saturdays Guides
October 28, 2018 – May 25, 2019 9 day/7 swing
May 26, 2019 – September 14, 2019 9 day/8 swing
September 15, 2019 – January 4, 2020 9 day/7 swing
Sunday guides
October 28, 2018 – May 25, 2019 9 day/8 swing
May 26, 2019 – September 14, 2019 9 day/9 swing
September 15, 2019 – January 4, 2020 9 day/8 swing
Please note that Web Scheduler reflects the changes in the guides to the lower winter guides. As a result all of the shifts up to October 28, 2018 look as if they are published above guides but they are at our winter guides. It is still at the discretion of management to approve leave that would put us below guides (or ‘at guides’ from now through October 27).
Jason Poole was insistent that the FLMs want to manage the floor in order to give us more opportunity for leave. I am skeptical of this but it has been proven that we can get by on lower guides. Please let me know if you ever go over 2 hour without being offered a break.
This will lead us into next years bidding information:
Please reach out to any member of the E-board regarding the new bid procedures. Beginning this year you will be charged for the amount of opportunities you get to bid in each round regardless of if you bid each of those opportunities. Any unbid opportunities will go towards the last round of bidding in addition to any leave you have accumulated from previous years. Collectively we only get to bid the days left over, that were not bid in earlier rounds, based on the total amount of days we get as an area. If every person bids their total accrued leave prior to the last round, we will not have a final round 6.