Hey C Area -
Some reminders for you…
Today at 12:30 there will be food and the All Members Meeting in the East/West Conference room. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and hear about what is going on. I encourage you to attend!
Also, remember the 15th is NATCA shirt day! Wear your NATCA swag and be entered into a drawing for a gift card!
Article 5 - We are still in need of an Article 5 for a CPC-IT 6/30-7/11 and 1 R Side 8/4-9/12. Please let a sup or me know if you’re interested.
IST Cadre - The Cadre Classes will be 4/15-16 or 4/17-18. IST training will be from 5/4-5/17. Please let a sup or me know if you would like to teach.
Low Map Changes - There is a packet in the area with some proposed changes to the low map. Please take some time to review this and give your input.
As always, I am here for you anytime. You are appreciated!