Hey C Area,

There has been some interesting developments regarding scheduling medicals. The D Area has seen a couple of instances of things not being done correctly, and I wanted to give you a heads up that if you are scheduled a medical on your RDO or outside of your shift duty time, please let me know ASAP.


Article 66 section 5 “All medical examinations required by the agency…shall be scheduled during duty time. Employees shall be reimbursed for mileage and parking fees” (eg. you’re scheduled for a medical in Gig Harbor and you live in Issaquah).

Article 66 section 6 “Whenever an employee spends more than 8 hours in an official duty status on a day during which he/submits to a medical examination, evaluation, or review, the employee is entitled to overtime benefits for all time spent beyond the 8 hours. The incrememnt of payment shall be one minute”

Please let me know if you have any questions about this!

Also - when I send out info requesting your feedback, the best way to do that is either an email (you can reply to this one or directly email c.area.natca@gmail.com) or a text to my phone number. Having your thoughts in writing is a better way for me to reference them and less chance of me forgetting what all your thoughts and points were.

In Solidarity,




