Hi C Area,
Here’s hoping this finds you well. I have been in the Dysim the past month or so working with our new trainees, Scotty & Robert. They are progressing well and will be done around 10/12. I am still available via phone, email, or visit to the training department!
The schedule in the area is the best draft we have come up with so far that offers the most consistent coverage and keeps things basic with our new criteria laid out by the Fatigue MOU. The Facility MOU negotiations are going well from what I’m hearing, and the hope is they will be done soon so we can brief the workforce and start bidding! My favorite season…..
There has been a request from the training department for ideas and things you would like to see for Dysim scenarios for the C Area. If you have a specific situation you would like built for training, available for SDT or anything, please let me know ASAP (maybe by this Friday, 10/20). We have some time coming up where our SGET volunteers will be getting time to work on our area scenarios.
Friendly reminder - as we get into winter guides, please double check your schedule as there might be more shift balancing instead of overtime assignments. Carly has put a graph of who has been shift balanced in the back of the area if you are wondering how your shift changes compare with the rest of the area.
VOTE - please get your ballots in! This is your voice, use it!
We have guides agreed upon for the area. (Will be day of the week day/swing guide number)
Jan 12-Mar 08
Sunday 8/8
M-F 10/9
Saturday 8/8
Mar 09-Jun 01
Sunday 9/9
M-F 10/9
Saturday 10/8
Jun 02-Oct 04
Sunday 10/9
M-F 11/9
Saturday 10/8
Oct 05-Nov 15
Sunday 9/9
M-F 10/9
Saturday 10/8
Nov 16-Jan 10
Sunday 9/8
M-F 10/9
Saturday 9/8
More shift guidance will come out once we have facility MOUs.
Thank you for all you do! Have a good rest of the week, C Area Folks