C Area -

There has been a lot of info floating around lately and although I haven’t had a lot to catch you up on, I thought I’d review a few things for ya.

First - a big ol CONGRATS to Logan for certifying on D07/11, and Alex Fontaine for certifying on D47/48!! Well done to everyone involved in their success!

Bidding - The schedule that is in the area is the one that management and NATCA have agreed to. This was decided based on input from the floor from the surveys I sent out a while ago. After reviewing all the options based on the new Fatigue MOU, this was the most simple way to ensure even coverage throughout our shifts. Also, we are bidding 35 CPCs, 7 R-Side trainees, 2 D-Side trainees.

Overtime - the new Overtime Tracking MOU is out, Amy sent it a while ago. I attended a briefing to go over how Overtime will be tracked next year, which basically has a guideline for tracking that allows for controllers to be in an “available” or “limited” status, on top of the “Yes” and “No” lists. You can expect to be briefed on this when MOU briefings begin. I am more than happy to review this further with you in person if you have more questions.

If you would like to review any of the new MOUs regarding Fatigue or Overtime, I’ve included them here for you:

Fatigue MOU Overtime Implementation Guide Joint Guidance Overtime

Contact info - based on recent events, I thought it would be a good idea to pass along some contact numbers that you can use.

  • CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) - this is a team of your NATCA peers available 24/7 if you need someone to talk to in the wake of a stressful situation. This is confidential and isn’t just for work situations. Please use this service! The phone number is 202-505-2476. I encourage you to save this number in your phone.

  • AMAS (Aviation Medicine Advisory Service) - This team is an aeromedical service provider for NATCA, who is available to guide you through medical situations, help you deal with the flight surgeon, and give aeromedical advice. If you have a question on a prescription, call them and ask about it - they are here to help and are MUCH faster at getting back to us than the flight surgeon. Remember - if you are prescribed a medication, you are required to call it in. AMAS phone number is 720-857-6117. Their hours are M-F 0830 - 1600 (MDT). The flight surgeon phone number is 206-231-4002 and you can call them directly to report a prescription. Again, I encourage you to save these phone numbers if you haven’t already.

NUW is moving forward with airspace to the west of DIABLO, called MAZAMA. As of now, it is a little box that extends out to the west from DIABLO a little ways and goes up to FL250. We still need to develop procedures for it, but they are super excited about this since we took away the corner of DIABLO FL230 and below. Once we have more info, I will share it with you.

SAVE THESE DATES - We had the yearly training scheduling meeting last week. If the following dates are important for you to bid, do it the first round.

  • IST - 5/4-5/17

  • Area Refresher/OCP Training - 10/19-11/1

  • IST - 11/30-12/13

Other dates of potential interest….

  • OJTI Refresher - 2/2-2/8

  • CIC Refresher - 3/16-3/21

  • New CIC Class - 2/22

  • ZSE Hosting a TRB Class - 8/26-8/28

  • New OJTI Class - 10/2-10/4

*If you are interested in attending any of the upcoming classes, please let me know.

OCP Training - (Operational Contingency Plan) Training is a new requirement of the 3120.4S. It is required that we attend classroom and simulation training (no less than 1 hour of simulation training). Our area will have 1 week of Area Refresher training, then 1 week of OCP training. Every area in the building will be doing the same in their time frames throughout the year. I tell you this so you know it’s coming and what it means. As it gets closer to next summer, we will be needing a volunteer to help facilitate these trainings.

BidATC - Please go online to bid.natca.org and sign in, verify your contact information is correct and review the functionality of the website. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.

Thank you for all you do. As always, I am here for you any time, and am happy to answer any questions you may have on the above or any other topics.

For all in the C,


