Iditarod started this past weekend with the smallest amount of mushers in the history of the race, 33. One has already scratched, but we will be sending good vibes to the rest of the participants that they have a safe trip to Nome!
Some other fun news - if you haven’t seen the announcement, Shanna delivered a healthy baby girl 2/25 named Clara. Sounds like mom and baby are doing great!
Spencer Sangiorgio certified on 47/48 and is now working on lows. Congrats to Spencer and all those who were involved in his success!
Congrats to JR who certified on 7/11! Well done to all who helped him achieve this goal! 47/48 is in your future!
Mike Seo is all nestled in at P80 learning everything about the Portland world, and Chaz worked his last shift with us last week before he heads south to warmer pastures. The next controller leaving the C Area will be Alex Unruh in May, followed by the retirement of Sierra Echo in June.
Help me to welcome Andreas Swanlinjung, our CPC transfer from Chicago Center. He is upstairs studying but has visited the floor a few times to introduce himself and hang out. Welcome, Andreas!
Some area updates….
We are still waiting for the LOA/AIT with ZLC regarding GPI and MSO arrivals to come back to us. I will keep you posted when that happens.
Lee has put in a request to have our broken chairs fixed or replaced, but (are you sitting down?) the agency is quick to note that they just might not move as quickly as one would hope. Or something like that. If you notice a chair being broken, please leave Lee a message or label the chair so we can hopefully get some good equipment in the area and some bad equipment out.
I just saw what I did there…. sitting down….
I have been talking to the A Area about getting control for PSC arrivals from Sector 01. Doesn’t sound like it will be a hard sell, and they are wanting to continue to look into some kind of change so point outs don’t have to happen to lows as often from 01 on the CHINS arrival when SEA is on a north flow. I will keep you posted if anything changes and will not implement anything until it has been run past you all.
Everyone liking the new carpet?? I have asked when the rest of it will be replaced. Basically, once the tiles that were removed have been cleaned and had the new carpet glued on (away from the area to prevent any residual fumes) we will discuss an installation date.
Here’s hoping this spring goes smoothly for us, as CPDLC and TEAM are rolled out. Please know I’m here if you have any questions or concerns, I always appreciate any help or input for the good of the area.
You are appreciated!