Well, C Area - here we are, about halfway through February. Things are going well to the best of my knowledge, so let me give you a few updates and solicitations…..

First - staffing. We are coming into a big training season, having 3 new D sides, 2 supervisors, and 1 R side coming to the floor within the next couple of months. There will be lots of training happening, so please be patient with the needs of the students so we can get them done. Know that we will all be having a hand in providing OJT as well. There is an OJTI class coming up in April and we will be sending as many people as we can afford to get off the schedule to it. Additionally, please help welcome Alex Fontaine to the area, he is our newest Academy Grad and is upstairs studying when he isn’t in the area monitoring. He won’t be on the floor until probably after summer. We have a CPC-IT coming on the 28th and an Academy Grad March 6th (with more to come throughout the year, I will keep you posted).

Solicitations - We will be in need of an Article 5 starting around 5/8 for 3 weeks for the CPC-IT coming this month.

Amy is requesting volunteers for the Events Planning Committee for ZSE. If you’re interested in helping plan facility functions, please let me or Amy know!

Some other things going on……

The flooring in the area will be replaced soon. Get your spills out of your system so we can have somewhat of a clean floor…..! I will be working with Trevor in the D area to set a date for this to happen (they will be replacing the C and D areas the same night), so watch for that date to be announced. It will most likely be on a mid.

There was some concern about having enough cleaning supplies in the area. If you ask for some and it’s denied, please let me know. Management isn’t going to order as much as they did during covid, but there still needs to be some available in the area.

A big thank you to Ryan Cook who has volunteered to be the C Area SGET person! He will be going to OKC in early June for training so we can get our scenarios up to date for all our training needs. Thanks Ryan!

I finished TEAM training Wednesday this week. We still have a few things that need to be ironed out for our facility, but know that you will be getting training on how to use it starting Saturday. Training has been scheduled for 2 hours per class and will be held on day and swing shifts.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about anything. I am here to help and continue to move our area in a positive direction, and I appreciate you all for what you do.

Have a great Superbowl weekend!


