Well, C Area, bidding is coming to a close here soon. We finished round 4 yesterday and I’m hoping we start round 5 today so we’re all done.

A reminder - if you’re interested in an AWS or any shift change requests, please fill the form out by this Thursday. If you’re not here (but still reading my emails - thanks! :) ) and want something submitted, please reach out to me and I’ll make sure it’s done.

Please don’t forget to submit you’re OT preference on bidATC. If you need help with this, I’m available.

As we approach the end of my favorite season, Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Potlucks at work are just around the corner. If you work a swing shift on Thanksgiving, the B area has the master list of who is bringing what, so please sign up to bring a Thanksgiving food item to share with your fellow participants.

And then there’s the return of the much awaited C-Area C-Cret Santa! At the back of the room behind the leaning Christmas tree (I’ll look at it today) are short surveys in a little pocket on the wall. If you would like to participate, please fill one out and put it in the envelope to the right by December 1st. Names will be drawn at random and put in a super top-secret envelope. You’ll find your envelope with who you get to shop for in your headset box after 12/4. Please have your (work appropriate…!) gift under the tree by 12/15. There will also soon be stockings hanging in the area with everyones initials on them. Feel free to put little treats in them if the season inspires you!

There is a new addition to the C-Area, a white board with cork board under it, meant to hang announcements and other things on. I’m at a bit of a loss for where to put it, so it’s hanging on the back exit door for now. I tried finding another good place for it but I wasn’t very successful. If you have ideas or suggestions, I’m all ears.

And, to leave the best for last, a big High-5 and congrats to JR (no longer RJ) for certifying on the lows! Well done to him and everyone who helped make this possible. Nothing like a pay raise to enhance the holiday season!

Thanks everyone for doing great things and being awesome. I appreciate you all.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


